Bishamonten (Veena) x depressed reader

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"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me," the teacher stated.

"But they do hurt," I mumbled," do broken bones hurt more than the names we're called?"


I stood there just staring out into the distance. I looked left then right then left again careful of cars before I stepped foot in the crosswalk. The light was red and the sign signaling to cross was green but still, you never know when some jackass will ignore the light and just speed down the street.

I jogged quickly across the street not wanting to keep the line of cars waiting. Not like it mattered if I did or didn't since they couldn't move until the signal changed. The streets were full of people and cars. Always moving never once stopping to rest.


"Will I be lonely forever," Veena asked.

"Veena, what's wrong," I asked.

"Will anyone fall in love with me," she answered with a question.

"You'll meet someone who will make you feel as if they built the sun for you and only you," I replied," and they'll look at you they way they look at the moon."


I continued walking down the street exchanging greeting with people here and there. They all smiled as did I when greeting them. I continued to walk, hearing couple squirmishes here and there form open apartment buildings. My walk came to a halt as I came across a girl crying into her knees on a stairway in front of a building.

"What's wrong," I asked.

"It's none of your business you creep," she spat.

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me," I started.

"What are you a kid, that's just a stupid saying," she scoffed.

"But broken hearts will bleed as we try to empty ourselves so we'll feel nothing, so don't tell me that hurts less than a broken bone," I finished," I'm not a creep I was just genuinely curious if I could help you."

"It's nothing," the girl sighed," just coworkers being bullies. Then there's just work and it's stressing me out."

I took a seat next to the girl and placed a pen in her hand. She looked at me confused for a moment as I took off my backpack and pulled out a blank piece of paper. I placed it in her hand and she just raised an eyebrow at me.

"Write down what's bothering you," I instructed.

She just gave me a nod and quietly scribbled on the paper. When she was finished I gestured her to hand it to me. She reluctantly did and I folded the paper as she watched from besides me. I finished and had created an airplane and handed it back to her.

"Throw it," I said," let it take everything that's bothering you with it away from you."

She did and threw the plane. She watched it for awhile as it glided down the street above the people walking. She slowly closed her eyes and a smile crept onto her lips. I grabbed my pen and placed it in my pocket. The girl looked at me with bright eyes and a smile.

"Thanks," she said simply," I feel so much better."

"No problem," I replied walking away.


I walked into my class to see a paper taped to my desk. I walked over and carefully picked it up. "loser," it read. I folded the paper neatly into a plane and threw it, it glided out an open window and I sighed. I took my seat in the back of the class.

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