Cana Alberona X Male Reader

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I watched...I watched as he shouted at her. I watched as he pushed her. I watched as she screamed at him. As he screamed at her. As they fought. As he hurt her...

He hurt her...



"Cana are you sure you're alright," I asked," you've been acting different lately."

"Yeah, I'm fine just some stress nothing to worry about," she forced a smile.

"I see," I sighed," so how are you and Laxus? I haven't really seen you around him that much."

I watched as she tensed at his name. I let out a heavy sigh knowing she's keeping something from me. I watched as she forced another smile onto her face. I just played along knowing she wouldn't tell me until she was ready.

"Things are going well," she replied," I couldn't be happier."

"That's good," I whispered," I should get going I don't want to keep you from him that long."

I stood up to leave as she grabbed my hand. A glint of fear in her eyes could be seen as she stared out at the city. I just stared at her as she shook slightly. I knew something was wrong but I didn't want to push.

"N-no stay with me, please," she pleaded," just a little longer, please."

"Alright," I agreed," I little longer."


A tear slipped down her face as she cupped her cheek. Kneeling on the ground from the force of his fist, she whimpered. He struck her and she cried. Of course she would, he just hit her. He caused her enough pain, but now he crossed the line. I watched as tears rolled down her cheeks as he continued to scream.

I gritted my teeth, I knew something was wrong. Why didn't she just tell me? Why did she keep lying to me?

"Get the fuck away from her," I growled.

"This doesn't concern you," Laxus spat.

"She's MY friend," I stated.

"And she's my GIRLFRIEND," he replied emphasizing the word girlfriend.

I charged at him landing a punch in his face. He moved back giving me an opportunity to get between him and Cana. I stayed in front of her watching him as he regained his composure.

"I don't want to fight you Laxus," I informed.

"Then mind your own business," he growled charging me.

I took the hit trying my hardest not to be moved. I staggered back a bit but was still able to shield Cana from him. I ignored her pleas for me to leave as I just stood in front of her.

"Laxus, just calm down," I advised, "I don't want to have to fight you."

"Stop acting like you're so tough. I'm not scared of you," he huffed," now move so I can talk to that fucking bitch."

"What did you just say," I asked getting angrier.

"I said she's a bitch," Laxus repeated," are you deaf? She's a bitch, a whore, a slut, she's fucking trash."

I rushed at him once more slamming him into the wall behind him and kneed him in the stomach. As he bent down to clutch his abdomen I kneed him in the face as I slammed my fists down on the back of his head. He dropped to the ground in pain as I towered over him not finished with him.

"(Y/N) he's had enough stop," Cana pleaded.

I let out a sigh knowing I should stop. I kicked Laxus over so he looked up at me. I knelt down and and gave him an evil smile as he flinched at the sight.

"I told you I didn't want to fight you," I laughed," but you pushed it. You just had to push it. Well, look where that got you. I'm going to make this short, I don't ever want you near her again, do you understand? If you even think about her for a second, I'm coming after you and trust me I won't let you off easy."

I got up and walked past Cana. I heard her footsteps behind me but ignored it. She would be fine whether or not I stayed with her or not.

"(Y/N)," she called.

"What," I asked.

"Thanks for protecting me," she replied," I'm sorry I never told you."

"You weren't ready," I sighed as I turned to face her," and I didn't want to push."

"I know because you care about me," she smiled weakly.

"Not just because I care about you," I laughed," are you really that oblivious that you never noticed I was in love with you?"

"Y-you were in love with me," she asked slightly shocked.

"Yeah, but you never loved me and I was fine with that," I smiled.

"T-that's not true (Y/N) when you were fighting with Laxus I realized I loved you," Cana cried.

"No you think you love me," I replied," you didn't even break up with him yourself."

"(Y/N) you know that that is over please," she whispered.

"I don't want you to be with me because you think you love me," I replied," this isn't some show, or movie, it's not how life works. You can't just go from being in a relationship with one guy and then when worst comes to worst say you were in love with the person that saved you expecting them to believe you and accept your love with open arms. I want to be with you because you love me not because I did something that made you think you love me."

"(Y/N), please," Cana cried.

"I'm sorry Cana," I sighed turning away from her," I won't be your rebound."

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