( will )

"What's happen, where moms at?" I asked him. "She in the house getting more link sausages." He said flipping hot dogs.

"You brought your girl." He asked me looking around. I don't know why it was pack as hell the whole neighborhood, their family, their friends and they friends kids. That why I love when we have block party everyone can relax together and have fun even if you don't know them, you'll always leave and have new friends.

"Yeah she here somewhere." I said shrugging. 

" why you with her, I can tell you ain't feeling her no more, just let her going you'll be doing both of y'all a favor and you just got out of jail like six days ago relax and be single." Actually I've  been thinking about that a lot and shit I should go back to my old ways.

"I don't know but you right." Jessee ran up to me and wrapped her arm around me.

"Can we go get drinks."


Mira p.o.v

"Omg where is Brenda she was the one who was suppose to get these drinks organize and outside

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"Omg where is Brenda she was the one who was suppose to get these drinks organize and outside." I said to Dasha, Yes I'm complaining I made the Baked Mac & cheese which is bomb as fuck four different types of cheese and lots of love from me so of course it's good.

" she probably outside dancing with her so called man but this the last damn case of beer I'm bringing out, like I don't have no upper body strength for this." She said struggling with the case until Leroy came and helped her.

"Thanks." Dasha said smiling hard. " no problem."

"Hey Mira." Leroy said to me with sad eyes. "Hey." I said dryly walking out the house into the live and crowded block. I sat the drinks down and grabbed a beer chugging it down when I heard someone clear their throat.

"Why aren't you talking to me." I huffed looking at Leroy. " look we aren't friends just because we been around each other and hurt each other Just because I forgave you doesn't mean anything. It's ruff I know what your going through but it's much harder for me, I just want to have fun for today can I do that please." I said with so much sorrow and pain in my voice. Leroy took a deep breathe and hugged me but I didn't hug back.

"I'm so sorry Mira." Leroy cried. "It's fine go home and sleep, you should feel better in the morning." I said patting his back.

"Thanks, you know I miss you right."

"Yeah I miss you too, I just can't be around you right now I still need time to deal with everything." I said look at the sky with watery eyes.

"Ok." He said walking off.

"Best friend...best friend..BEST FRIEND!!MIRA!!" Dasha said snapping her fingers in my face. "You might want to move them fingers before I bit them off." She hurried and moved her fingers.

"Don't do that I just got them done." She said looking at her nails.

                            ( Dasha's nails )

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( Dasha's nails )

"But seriously what's wrong mimi and don't say nothing because you staring off in space making nigga think you staring at them and shit so spill it sis."

"Fine so me and Leroy was talking about th-

"Excuse me can you pass me two beers." Some blond girl I never seen before said.

"No disrespect but you can walk like two more steps and get them yourself done you see we having a conversation." Dasha said getting up and I know she getting up to start drama so...

"Come on dayday let's go you starting something for no reason I'll tell you when we get home." I said grabbing her arm. " you lucky she holding me back but-

"Dayday hush." I said.

Few minutes later we arrived at home and we decided to catch up on how to get away with murder

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Few minutes later we arrived at home and we decided to catch up on how to get away with murder. After that we played around posting videos on Snapchat and going live on Instagram to pass time while doing that Dasha forgot all about the conversation we were having outside but finally we said bye to live and hit the hay.

"Don't think I forgot mimi we're talking about you tomorrow, I love you gurl."

" I love you too dayday." I said walking to my room and closed the door.

Grabbing his shirt out my dresser putting it on. I laid in bed and sniffed it.

I miss you so much and I will always have you in my heart.


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What do you guy think is going on with Mira? 🤷🏽‍♀️. Unedited sorry for any mistakes🙂

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