Lotor leaned forward, pressing his forehead against the cold glass as he closed his eyes and breathed. He could feel a slight shakiness in each breath, but he forced himself to relax. Everything was going to be OK. Lance was going to be OK. Lance was not going to leave him. Lance was going to be OK.

The reassuring thoughts continued to swarm his mind until he relaxed enough to remove his armor and slip into the shower. He let the cool water slide across his body, calming him. His hair, which Lance loved, was stringy and gross from the sweat and blood that had covered him. Lotor hadn't even realized he had gone to bed still covered in Lance's blood. He was sure the bed sheets and covers would have to be tossed, but that was the least of his worries.

The crusty blood slid off his body and down the drain, and Lotor shivered; thoughts of seeing his lover stabbed rushed through him. He shook it out of his mind, finishing his shower and drying off.

A few minutes later, Lotor entered the Medical Bay, seeing Acxa and Narti in there monitoring Lance. Acxa turned and acknowledged him, while Narti kept her body turned towards Lance. The short time Lotor had been away, it seemed Narti and Lance had gotten closer, and that made him happy. In the past, Narti had always kept her distances from everyone but him and the other generals.

"By the way sir, Haggar had contacted us this morning, she demanded that you return and complete the assignments Lord Zarkon had assigned you to."

Lotor growled. "I have more important things to worry about."

Acxa nodded. "I understand, but getting on his bad side would not be wise. It may be a few days before Lance wakes up, and we will take care of him the entire time. If he wakes up while you are away, we will inform you but he will still be watched over while he heals."

"You know I cannot leave his side Acxa."

"We know how much you love him, but ignoring Lord Zarkon will have consequences." Zethrid spoke, entering the bay with a large amount of food for herself to munch on. Lotor glanced at her. He knew they were right, but he didn't feel good leaving Lance after this incident.

Narti stood up, moving over to Lotor to place a hand on his arm.

'He will be alright Lotor. I can tell. Leave him to us.' Narti's soft voice echoed in his mind. Lotor nodded silently, turning towards the other generals in the room.

"Very well. I will leave him to you. Let me know the moment he wakes up."

"Of course." Acxa said.

"Though we do have to deal with that Black lion leader too." Zethrid rumbled. Lotor gritted his teeth, his anger for Shiro still coursing through his veins.

"Is the Omestaa out of his system completely?"

"Yes it is. Shall we dispose of him?" Zethrid asked, pounding her fists and grinning. Lotor waved her off. "I will talk with him, stay with Lance. Zethrid scowled but followed his orders. Lotor left the room with one last glance towards Lance before heading towards the cells.

He had confronted his enemies thousands of times without thinking twice, but the thought of confronting the man who hurt his lover had him struggling to control his rage. He so desperately wanted to end Shiro's life and move on, but he knew Lance would not want that.

Lotor walked towards the cell slowly, and was surprised to hear it was silent. He also wondered if Shiro had escaped. He peered inside, and saw Shiro curled up in a corner. Upon hearing footsteps, Shiro glanced up and his eyes widened when he saw it was Lotor.

"Lotor I..." Shiro started. "I.. I never wanted to hurt Lance! I never approved of you two being together, but I knew Lance was a grownup who could make decisions for himself... I didn't mean to hurt him. I never wanted to hurt him! Something.. I was angry, but I wasn't me.."

Lotor sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as Shiro rambled on. He raised his hand and silenced Shiro. "Your anger mixed with the drug Princess Allura gave you made you blind to your surroundings. You had some control, but that control was strictly your rage, and the drug fueled that and turned it into something ugly."

Shiro stood up, walking forward to grip at the bars. "Please.. please tell me Lance is ok!" His eyes were red from crying for who knows how long. Lotor felt a bit of sympathy for him, despite still being upset.

"Lance will be alright. I gave him some of my blood to make up for the blood he lost." Shiro's eyes widened. "You are O Negative?"

Lotor shook his head. "No, but we made it work. Despite your feelings about Lance coming with me, you had no right to try to take him back by force. Princess Allura is mostly to blame for this, she was the one who drugged you, correct?"

Shiro nodded. "We talked... for a very long time about it, and Allura was very upset about it. She put up a mask when she talked with Lance before, but she was extremely angry about it. She demanded I get him back, one way or another. I.. I told her I would try talking to him, but I wouldn't try to force him. She didn't like it... She gave me something... but after that I can't remember anything up until the moment I stabbed Lance and then your generals had a death grip on me... I swear I didn't want to kill Lance! When I stabbed him.. I didn't have control, I realized what I did and everything went numb.. I'm so sorry.." Shiro doubled over, sobbing.

Lotor turned and pulled out a key, unlocking the cell's door and pulling it open. Shiro stared at him, dumbfounded. "Understand that I will not give Lance up unless he wants to. If he makes the decision to leave me, then I won't try to force him to stay. But also understand that you have no right in trying to take him back without his permission." Lotor spoke lowly.

Shiro nodded. "I will make Allura understand.. and if she doesn't, well perhaps Voltron will disband for good."

"I never intended to come between you and your teammates Shiro, but I love Lance, and I will care for him as we grow old together."

"No amount of apologies will make up for what I have put you, your generals, and Lance through, but I am sorry... May I see him before I go?"

Lotor nodded, turning and leading the way as Shiro followed quietly. They entered the medical bay and the three generals immediately stood up in alert, glaring at Shiro. "At ease," Lotor said as Shiro rushed over to Lance.

"Oh Lance.. I am so sorry..." Shiro choked out. He stood by Lance's side for a while while Lotor checked on Lance's vitals on the monitor and talked with his generals. After much time had passed, Shiro turned towards Lotor. "Thank you for letting me see him. Until things get sorted out between my teammates and I, we will not come near you or Lance."

Lotor pressed his hand on Shiro's shoulder. "Thank you, to think I had wanted to kill you just hours ago."

Shiro let out a small chuckle, looking into Lotor's eyes as he smiled. "Take good care of him Lotor."

Lotor smiled back, and Shiro turned and left. Moments later the roar of the Black Lion shook the ship as Shiro flew out of the Hangar and back towards the Castle.

Lotor's smile fell as he turned back to Lance. He walked up to him and grasped his left hand tightly in his own, rubbing the smooth flesh between his fingers. "Please wake up my kitten." Lotor whispered, bending down to kiss Lance's forehead. He looked over Lance's wounds and saw they were indeed healing very quickly. With this, he would be content enough to leave Lance in his generals hands.

"I'm heading back now." Lotor spoke loudly, standing up and releasing Lance's hand. The generals nodded. "We won't take our eyes off him Lotor." Zethid said, slapping he hand on Lotor's shoulder in reassurance. Lotor placed his hand on her shoulder and squeeze it in thanks before leaving the medical bay. He headed back to his room to gather his weapon before heading back to Zarkon's side.

Huzzah! Lance is ok!... or for now at least... -shifty eyes- I'm not planning anything!

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