Black Rain- Chapter Nine

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Chris and Eddie found themselves sitting in the sheriffs office. It was all because one of Eddie's idea to do some more graffiti, and they were actually caught this time. Chris was nearly shaking from fear. He wondered how Eddie seemed to stay so calmed and collected, as if he had been through this a dozen times.

"You know what you two did was an act of vandalism." The sheriff told them.

Eddie sighed. "We know, sir, and we're sorry for what we done. We're willing to accept any consequences for our actions today."

Chris looked at Eddie as if he was the stupidest person on the planet. Accept any consequences? Chris didn't want to go to jail. He wasn't ready to be locked away a part of his life.

The sheriff nodded his head. "You two will be ordered to clean it up immediately, and you two will be fined with five-hundred dollars."

Eddie nodded. "Are we free to go now?"

"I just need your names, please."

Eddie cleared his throat. "I'm Dave Abbruzzese, and his name is Jeff Ament."

"Dave Abbruzzese, Jeff Ament." The sheriff read aloud as he wrote the names down. Chris was almost in disbelief.

"You two are free to go now. This fine will be due in three weeks, and when we check, the paint better be all cleaned up."

Eddie smiled. "Will do. Thank you, sir."

Once the two were outside, Eddie pulled a cigarette out of his shorts pocket. Chris was still a bit shaken up.

"You gave him fake names?! Do you know what will happen if he finds that out?" Chris asked. Eddie chuckled.

"They aren't fake names, Chris, they're just a couple of rich, stuck up assholes from school. They'll pay it off."

Chris shook his head. "You're out of your mind, Eddie."

Eddie started to laugh as he leaned up against the wall. Chris was so angry with him, he felt as if he could push him on the ground. And the laughing only seemed to make him madder.

"What's so funny?"

"Just the look on your face. You looked so scared in there. They can't send us to jail for graffiti, Chris. Besides, you don't need to worry about the fine, those two will take care of it. We're good. We just need to clean it up."

"I'll never graffiti with you again." Chris sighed. Eddie smiled, and wrapped an arm around Chris, pulling him into a kiss.

"Don't be mad at me, Chris. I didn't mean to get you in trouble. I'm sorry." Eddie told him. Chris sighed, and the anger seemed to all wash away. He couldn't stay mad at Eddie for long.

"It's okay, but come on, we need to get it cleaned up."

Eddie took another drag from his cigarette. "Alright. I hope you have some scrub brushes at your place."

* * *

Chris realized the paint was a lot harder to come off than he thought it would be. Even with the scrub brushes, the two were only halfway done. Eddie was standing high on a rock, cleaning off the graffiti that was on the higher part of the wall.

"If I jump, will you catch me?" Eddie suddenly asked. Chris looked up at him.

"I can try, but I can't promise we won't hit the ground."

"I don't think I can get down without jumping." Eddie said, looking around beneath him.

"Jump, and I'll catch you." Chris said.

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