Black Rain- Chapter Seven

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Chris woke up, finding himself laying alone in bed. He laid there for a moment, rubbing his hand over the sheets were Eddie laid just hours before. The sheets were no longer warm, but the scent of alcohol and cigarettes were left behind by him.

Chris took a long inhale, savoring Eddie's scent. He began to wish he would've woke up sooner to catch him and tell him goodbye.

Chris slowly pulled himself up in bed. His head began to throb with pain. He looked over on the nightstand, seeing that Eddie had got the two aspirins and drank almost the whole cup of water. Chris quietly laughed to himself. He laid back down, deciding to get more sleep so he could ease off his headache.

* * *

Eddie walked down the street, a big smile on his face as he thought about last night with Chris. He reached up and felt of his lips, longing to feel Chris' on his again. Even if he was drunk, he very much enjoyed kissing him. The first man he had ever kissed.

It was the first time in a while he had felt a spark of happiness. And he had no one to thank but Chris. Chris, the man he tried so hard to ignore, the man he didn't want to keep finding him, was now the only person on his mind.

Eddie sat down down on a bench that was on the street. He reached into his pocket, pulling out a small diary he had kept with him, along with an ink pen.

In his dairy, he had wrote thoughts, poems, and even a few verses of songs he had came up with. He flipped to an empty page, and began to tap his pen over his chin.

'He's in my head. I feel as if I'm in a state of love and trust.'

Those were the words Eddie had wrote down. He read them over and over a few times in his head, smiling wide at them.

"State of love and trust. Ain't that something?" Eddie whispered to himself. He shut his book and put it back into his pocket along with his pen. He then pulled out a cigarette and lit it up.

* * *

"Chris! We're so happy to see you!" His mother beamed. Chris had decided to stop in for a visit. He smiled at her, and wrapped his arms around her, giving her a hug.

"How've you been?" She asked. "I feel like I haven't seen you in ages."

"Only three months." His father said, chuckling a bit.

"Ahh, I've just been a little busy lately." Chris lied.

Truth was, Chris didn't like seeing his parents much. Because deep down, he knew they didn't really accept him being gay. Still, he payed it no mind. He knew he couldn't be the way they wanted him to be. He wasn't out to make his parents happy; he was out to make himself happy.

"How's the relationships going?" His mother asked. She knew Chris had been single for some time now.

"Well, I... I actually met someone, and I'm starting to really like him a lot. He's so beautiful, Mom, you'd just have to see him."

"And how does the boy feel about you?" She asked. Chris bit his lip.

"I think he likes me. At least a little." Chris chuckled.

"So, no pretty girls out there for you, Chris?" His father asked. Chris only ignored his comment.

"It was only a question. I just think it's wrong that you're only attracted to men." His father said.

"Well, if it's wrong, I guess I'll never be right." Chris shrugged.

"Let's not get into an argument." His mother sighed. Chris shook his head.

"Yeah, let's not. I suppose I'll go, I just wanted to stop by and make sure you two were doing okay."

"You're leaving already? You just got here."

Chris shrugged. "Yeah, I have a few things I need to do before the day is over with. I'll see you guys later."

"We love you." His mother said, giving Chris a kiss on the forehead. He smiled at her before he left, not bothering to even as to wave his father goodbye.

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