Chapter 44: A Little Night Music

Start from the beginning

Another clap of thunder sounds off into the sky, and I flinch. My hair is already soaked, sticking to my neck and forehead. The rain is heavy, but thankfully not so heavy that I can't see or hear what's around me. I can see the flags marking the path, and the faint moans of the zoms still reach my ears.

Their growls and groans are fading, meaning it won't be long before I lose them. That's a rather good thing, since I'm sure New Canton will have zombies waiting at the building site for us as a part of this test. I am a bit miffed that I wasn't allowed to bring my axe, but given that we will most likely have to swim out to the ship, me bringing my axe onto the Laetitia Greenwald isn't an option, meaning it isn't an option on this mission, either.

"Runner Five! Over here!"

I look up ahead. There's a woman, slightly taller than me, but just as drenched. Her black hair is sticking to her skin, but her green eyes seem light and happy. She seems interesting by the looks-square shoulders, strong build, and a tan from obvious work outside... but her voice-there's something about it.

"Oh, there she is," Sam says, and I huff at hearing his voice again. "Patching you both in on my coms channel. Your only communications will be with me today, Steffie."

Steffie grins when I reach her. She grabs my hand and gives it a firm shake. "Nice to meet you, Five, Sam. I'm Steffie. I think we're gonna have some fun tonight. Got some zoms on my tail already. This way."

She starts heading off towards a slope, spirits alight and airy. Still though, I can't shake the feeling that something about this situation isn't right.

Maybe it's the fact that I'd rather have Nadia as operator instead of Sam. Too bad she stayed with Veronica at the Treetop Base.

I swallow thickly, saliva and my pride traveling down my throat to the pit of my stomach. I can work with people I'm angry with. I did while I worked at the A.M.T.B. and at Mullins. I can do it here in this situation too.

"Good warmup, don't you think?" Steffie asks, sprinting ahead of me.

"She's fast, isn't she?" Sam asks, knowing not to expect a reply. "Still, I think you've dealt with worse terrain than this."

I hurry to catch up with her, my pounding steps causing mud to splash up onto my ankles and calves.

"Did they tell you I'm Runner Thirteen? Swapped the number with Eric."

"What was it before?" I ask, prompting a raised brow from her.


"I think we might've gone on a run together, possibly while I was staying New Canton while Abel was being rebuilt. You sound really familiar."

Steffie laughs. "No. No, we've never met. Knew the New Canton Five. Spitting image of you. She was British though, and a lot more serious. Mind that root. Nearly tripped on it myself. Been lookin' forward to runnin' with you, Five. The top runner from each settlement, teamin' up to rescue our people from Comansys."

I blush at her compliment, and she grins widely when she notices it.

"Hang on a minute," Sam says only half jokingly, "flattering Runner Five is my job."

I frown, and roll my eyes.

She shrugs. "We have to keep each other's spirits up in the field. We'll look after each other, won't we?"

I nod. "Yep."

"Keepin' each other safe is what matters. You need to know just who you can trust with your information. Isn't that right, Five?"

I blink in confusion. "Um, yes?"

Papers shuffle over the coms link, ad my lips press together into a thin line. Leave it to Sam to be so unprepared. Usually I'd find it cute or endearing, but I'm still mad at him, and this rain is really freaking cold, which only irritates me further. The faster I pass this test with Steffie, the faster I can get back to Abel and wrap a blanket around me.

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