"Maya, I am not moving until you give me some sugar," He smirks as he crosses his arms. I huffed at him and went to kiss him on the cheek.

"There is your good luck, now hurry up and win, I'm hungry." I said and he started to chuckle.

"I'll win just for you princess," he winked and ran back to his team. I begin to walk back and Amber went up to me.

"Excuse me, but What are you doing with my Boyfriend?" She says looking at me disgustingly.

"Uhm.. He isn't your boyfriend and I was just wishing him good luck" I brush past her and she grabs my arm and yanks me back to face her.

"Listen her new girl, I don't know what they did at your school in California, but here we don't do this kind of shit. Now leave Ace alone, He doesn't want an ugly nerd to be near him anyways." She says as she lets go of my arm.

"Okay Listen here barbie, just because I wear glasses does not make me a nerd. Also, you can't tell me who I can and can't hang out with." I snap and before she could respond the referee blew his whistle which indicated that the game started. I walked back to my seat, and Emily looked at me shocked.

"Let me guess you saw what happened between Amber and I?" I said without looking at her.

"Maya.. You don't know what she is capable of." She says.

"Emily, I think Im going to be fine. Honestly, I am not going to worry about her anyways. What is she going to do, pour water on my head and call me a bitch? She is all talk and no action." I scoff as I watch Ace throw the ball towards his teammate. I hear Emily sigh as she watches the boys play.

The game ended and We won against our rivals 49-22 and I am very Impressed. Emily and I waited outside of the locker room for the boys. They plan on taking us to a local diner before we go to the party.

"Hey Maya," Andrew says as he walks out of the locker room with his hands his varsity jacket. Mark and Cameron followed behind him wearing their jackets as well.

"Hey guys, Good game tonight," I said as I hugged them.

"Yea you guys did really good," Emily said softly as she stared at Mark shyly. Ace walked out of the locker room and smiled when he saw me.

"Hey Princess, looks like you are good luck." He says as he hugs me.

"Whatever, you guys won because you guys are really good, not because I am 'good luck'" I said.

"No, I beg a differ you are good luck. Usually we win by like a few points, not by 27 points." Cameron says as he looks at me, the other boys nod in agreement.

"Okay whatever, lets go because I am starving," I say as they all laugh while Ace wraps his arm around my shoulder.

The diner seemed really familiar, but I don't know why. We sit down in a booth: Emily, Mark and Andrew are on one side of the booth while me, Ace and Cameron sits on the other side. A middle aged women with brown hair and green eyes walks up to our booth.

"I see that you guys won your game tonight, congrats boys," She says.

"Thanks mom," Ace says as he smiles at his mom. Wait.. that's Ace's mom? No wonder why this diner looks familiar, his family owns this place. We used to eat here all the time when we were little.

"Hm.. I have never met these two before," Mrs. Andrew says as she looks at me and Emily.

"Mom, This is Emily and Maya they both go to Meadowside High School." Ace says to his mom.

"Oh, well it is nice to meet you." She says as she looks at the both of us.

She keeps her eyes on me, "I'm sorry but you look familar? Have we met?"

"Oh, uhm I don't think so.. I just came here from California," I tell her.

"Oh, I'm sorry dear, You just remind me of someone but they left quite awhile back." She says sadly. Ace's mom takes our orders and leaves as we start to talk about the party.

"Yea, Adrian is throwing the party and he definitely knows how to throw parties. This one time, I got so drunk that I passed out on his lawn with some chick besides me. It was so crazy!" Andrew says as he takes a sip of his water. I excuse myself as I head towards the bathroom. I stare at myself in the mirror and touch up my makeup a bit. Man, it seemed like Ace's Mom remembers me. I look through my photos and decided to post a picture of me on the beach to show that I haven't died.

Sunkissed  ♡  @ SofiaArnold

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Sunkissed @ SofiaArnold

I smiled at the picture and put my phone in my bag. I have only used the phone Sofia gave me a few times and it was only when Ace called me. I walk back to the booth and sit down next to Ace.

"God Mia Williams is so hot," Cameron groans as he shows the group the photo I posted.

"Damn, Ace how did you a girl like that slip through your fingers." Mark says as Ace's mom comes back with our food.

"I was only ten what was I supposed to do," Ace sighs as he stares at the photo.

"Oo is that Mia?" Mrs. Andrew says as she grabs Cameron's phone.

"Yep, she seems to be having a time of her life in Australia. Its strange how she can go to Australia but not Virginia," Cameron shrugs as he takes a bite out of his cheeseburger.

"Look how grown up she is, I miss her so much," Mrs. Andrew tears up as she gives the phone back to Cameron. I tried my best to not cry, I had no idea his mom missed me.

"Of course Maria had to take that poor girl to California, I can tell she never wanted to move away. I guess it all worked out in the end because she has become very successful at the age of seventeen," She tells us.

"I just wish she stayed," Ace sighed as he ate his burger. Mrs. Andrew rubbed Ace's back and walked back to the counter. We all continued to eat our food before we leave to go to the party.

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