Saturday 14th February

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'Happy Valentine's Day!' said no single person EVER.

Dad wakes me up at the crack of dawn. He's all jumpy and excitable because today is the grand opening of the pub.

It really is amazing how little I care.

All I know is that smelly old men in flat caps and Barbour jackets are going to be invading my home and getting drunk.

So pretty much loads of Granddad Tonys before he started losing the plot. And a few like him after losing it as well, probably.

But now that I'm up I might as well do something useful.


Back in bed with a coffee and one of Fee's romantic novels.

Calling it 'research'. It has a Prince in it as well, so it's basically life-imitating art, or however that saying goes.

She leant it to me about a week ago because she said it was 'her bible'.


Oh, my.

Well, I don't think Jesus would approve.


Oh, what is this fresh hell?

I head downstairs to find that Dad has completely decorated the pub for Valentine's Day.

It looks like the inside of a human heart in here.

Or hell.

Go figure.


'Here, help me put up these hearts.'

I'd rather die.

As I said to Dad many times: 'why?? Why would you do this?'

'People like love, Daphne.'

'No, no they don't. People who ARE IN love like love, the rest of us sad lonely singletons would rather cut off our heads and watch them roll away.'

I may have been a tad dramatic, but even he couldn't deny what I spoke was le truth. 

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