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"I know this may seem weird, Y/N," Ohm said, taking a step forwards. He stopped, and you looked back to see why.

Vanoss held his aim steady, right at Ohm's chest.

"Evan!" Luke yelled. "Wait!"

"You traitor!" Evan spat. "You run away from the shelter we gave you! Back to here!" A flame in his eyes made you tremble. His hand however, remained locked.

"No," Ohm said, standing his ground the best he could. "There is more to it. I never ran from you. I never came here. We wer-"

"Shut up!" Evan stepped closer, shoving Luke back. "Why the fuck are you here then?"

"I...I was trying to say," Ohm stuttered.

"We were taken against our will," you jumped in, stepping forward.

"I wasn't asking you," Evan spat. His elbow collided with your face and you could feel it burn. That pissed Ohm off. He started walking forwards, but was stopped by the safety of Evan's gun clicking off.

"It is true. My fault." Ohm sighed, looking at you sadly.

"You never answered! Why are you there then?" Evan continued.

"I escaped. And came back for Y/N." He whispered. For a moment it was just the two stared each other down. Evan lowered his gun ever so slightly, and Ohm ran forwards.

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you? How is your face?" A million questions bombarded you.

"I am fine. Are you?" You asked, ignoring Evan's glare and the rest of the gang's stares.

"Now I am." He pulled you into a hug and held you tight. "I am so sorry." He kissed your forehead and you separated.

"Not to break this apart," Nogla spoke up. "....but the cops are on their way." Sure enough, sirens became faintly noticeable.

Everyone began flooding out.

"You escaped?" You asked as you and Ohm followed with the gang.

"Got to punch Eri," he chuckled. You grabbed his hand and ran your over his arm. He flinched softly under his sleeve. You gently pulled it back to reveal a long cut.

"She had her knife," he mumbled: annoyed.

"Where is she?" You angrily demanded.

"Gone Babe. They made sure of that. The gang doesn't give them a chance."

"De-?" you started.

"Not dead. Not all at least. Most probably fled."

"Sigh. We better go." You both filed into Marcel's car. The one you first had originally gotten kidnapped in. How different things were then.

After a long police chase, they shook them off thanks to everyone's driving experience. And soon you arrived at the BBS hq, where you both sat down in a chair and after attending to his arm, cuddled up. The house forgotten for the current time.

A few minutes later you found yourself giggling as you watched the group rage at some Mario Kart 8. Some casual gaming after a raid.  Somehow, their loud curses and Delirious's laugh calmed you. Ohm let out that one giggle of his own, and you found yourself drifting off in the messy-haired man's arms...

and let sleep consume you.

(A/N: I had a different ending, but didn't want to do it to you guys. It was where you find out it was all a dream. And wake up to go rob that bank...
I can't believe it is already over. It is insane. Thank you all for sticking around to my crap and inactivity. Sorry for forgetting Smi77y, but oops. Much love,  :P

(Ohmwrecker x Reader) That One GiggleWhere stories live. Discover now