Meeting the Gang

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Ohm held the door open for you and you stepped in. Bright light burned your eyes after being exposed to near darkness for a while. You took a few more steps in and Ohm followed and shut the door as you looked around in amazement. The room was huge, with a balcony with many doors to the left of where you stood. If you went down onto the floor below there was a collection of couches around a few different TVs. A football game was on one, and two people were playing Mario Kart on another. A fireplace lay in a corner and a large bar area with a kitchen was in another corner. One large window opened up to show a large pool in the middle of a beautiful yard facing hills and farms. 


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(Imagine a very modern version of this but a lot larger

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(Imagine a very modern version of this but a lot larger...)

Everyone froze what they were doing except the two playing Nintendo and the bearded man watching football. They all looked at you and Ohm, who nodded. He then gestured forward and towards the stairs. A few more doors lay along the wall when you reached the bottom and he opened the one on the far right; closest to the stairs. Now that you were on the same level as them all, you felt their eyes piercing your back as you followed Ohm into the darker room. 

As he shut the down behind you, you noticed a large wooden table that took up a majority of this windowless room. It looked fit to seat well over twenty though only about fifteen chairs were placed around it. Ohm sat at the chair to the right of the one at the end of the table.

"Sit there," he said. He smiled as you sat at the closest end of the table. He seemed way too happy for someone who just technically kidnapped you, you thought. He sat the bag on the table and you set everything that you had been carrying at your feet. You didn't know what he was waiting for. Soon you found out.

A minute later, people began to file in. First came a cute, black-haired guy who looked too innocent to be here. Then two Irishmen came in, another black-haired guy wearing a Jason mask, the good-looking bearded guy, another foreign guy, some shorter, hispanic man, a darker-skinned guy, and a few more. Then, to your surprise, a door behind the table opened. You hadn't seen it until it swung open. Instantly, the guys around you stiffening and you saw why. A nice-looking Asian man walked into the room and the door closed behind him. You tried not to laugh at how stupidly-dramatic it seemed. You couldn't help it and let out a giggle.

Everyone turned to stare at you, even the newcomer. Ohm gave you a pitiful look as he shook his head.

"Have I done something you find humorous?" The Asian man asked aggressively. You tried not to flinch.

"Sorry," you mumbled. "Just really dramatic."

"What?" He said loudly. "Too quiet."

" just seems really dramatic." You protested, scared.

The man looked as though he didn't know whether to yell or punch her. He did neither, and to everyone's surprise he grinned softly.

"So it does," he began. He sat down at the head of the table across from you and looked around the group. You were suddenly reminded of Voldemort looking at the Death Eaters and almost laughed again. Making a face that must have seemed to be a cross of pain and an emergency bathroom break, you tried to focus.

"I think by now you are aware who we are,"he continued. Everyone around him tried to look intimidating and some failed. The cute one you knew as Moo just looked as scary as a chipmunk. You smirked unintentionally, and he stopped. "What?!?!?" 

"Sorry, Vanoss, sir." You stuttered. You knew that he was feared by many, and the look he gave you made clear why. You suddenly remembered that this man was a murderer, along with many others here. You sat up straighter and tried your best to look intrigued. His glare slowly faded as her began again. 

"You obviously know who I am." He sighed. "But maybe not the others." He looked at the first person to his right and they spoke.

It was the hockey-masked man. You knew who they were but listened anyways.

"I am Delirious." You knew his real name was Jonathan, but didn't dare call him that.

"I am Luke, or CaRtOoNz," the next said in a calming, nice voice. He scratched his groomed beard and smiled softly.

"I will be David, or Daithi de Nogla," one of the Irishmen said in a thick accent.

"I'm Lui," the Mexican to Nogla's side nodded.

"I am Ohmwrecker," Ohm said and you felt like you were going to melt. You hoped you weren't blushing too clearly.

Skipping you, the next man spoke.

"I'm Craig, or Mini Ladd," the next guy said with an accent you couldn't identify.

"I am Brock, or Moo Snuckel," the cute guy mumbled looking nervous.

"I am Brian, or Terroriser," the other Irishman said. He was good-looking like most.

"And I am Marcel, or BasicallyIDoWrk." The darker-skinned man noted.

"Don't forget me," a cute brown-hair man grinned. "I am Tyler, or Wildcat.

"Hey!" A larger-set man cried. "I am here too! My name is Anthony, or Big Jiggly Panda."

Quite an intimidating name, you thought.

Vanoss pointed to you and began to speak.

"We already know who you are, Y/N, because we have been planning to meet you for a long time." Vanoss said. You debated whether to call him Evan or Vanoss.

"A little creepy," you mumbled and saw a few smile. 

Evan ignored you and looked at Ohm. "Do you have it?"

"Yeah," he nodded, sliding the bag towards their leader, who grabbed it and looked inside, counting in his head it seemed.

"You took less than last time," he frowned at you.

"How do you know how much I took last time?" You asked, frowning. "And why am I here?"

He ignored you again. "Oh well. We will continue this later. Scatter." He took the bag and left, this time through the main door. It wasn't until he was gone did everyone rise and leave. Ohm smiled at you, and you realized you must have passed whatever was planned.

"Am I a part of BBS?" You asked.

"C'mon, I will show you around." He put his hand out to hold the door open and you imagined it entangled with yours.  Together you both walked out into the mansion and into your new life.

(Ohmwrecker x Reader) That One GiggleWhere stories live. Discover now