Alternate Ending

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A/N: Thanks for 10 reads away from 7k!!! That is insane!! :D Here is another ending I thought about...

You smiled as blinking your eyes open. The world came into focus around you, and as it became clearer, your smile faded. The grimy wall of your hideout.

It was all a dream.

You forced yourself out of bed and began getting ready for the day. After a lot of planning, today was the day you went to that bank.


After sprinting out of it hours later, your bag slung over your shoulder, you felt a hand on your shoulder. You whipped around. Familiar brown eyes and messy hair was inches away.


Sorry this was short. I was going to add more but I am busy in class. Thanks everyone :)

(Ohmwrecker x Reader) That One GiggleWhere stories live. Discover now