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Really sorry for my inactivity guys. I appreciate you all sticking with me.

Also...thanks for 40 followers :)

Thanks to @L0st0ne for the spam :D

(And everyone else) :D

Ohm POV:

Ohm glanced at the clock beside his bed. 1:24. He and you hadn't gone to bed until nearly midnight. But he couldn't sleep. He wondered whether it was too soon for you two to share a room, so he was questioning that. And then there was the faint worry.

Money wasn't a problem. Y/N didn't know that he had a stable income outside the gang. He had a YouTube channel with 1.6 million subscribers. But there was still worry. And he couldn't put his finger on it. Eventually, he gave up and closed his eyes. Just as he was about to drift from consciousness, he heard a scream: Y/N.


The unfamiliar surroundings were keeping you awake. That and the slight moments where it sounded like footsteps across the house. Old houses were like that, you reminded yourself. You turned over in bed and faced the closet and the door. A shadow moved underneath the small slit showing the hallway. Panic flooded in. It could just be Ohm, walking around. But your instinct told you otherwise. If they came in and  it wasn't him, you had no weapon. Time to play opossum and pretend you were asleep. 

The door handle started to turn slowly, and you tried to forget all the horror movies you had seen. Quickly, you closed your eyes so they looked shut, but you could see a sliver through you eyelashes. The door opened, and two shadows stood there. Definitely not Ohm.

The thought of screaming crossed your mind, but you fought it down. The two figures stepped into your room, and you saw a few more behind them. Fear kept you in place, and so far they must have been falling for your "asleep" hoax. They could do so many things and it terrified you. Something else scared you. You eyes didn't skip over the handguns in their hands or in their holsters.

They walked closer, and one held his gun out.

"Stand up." He said, his voice gruff and frightening.

You refused to move. The second figure raised something in the dark, but you saw it wasn't a gun.

"Hey dumbass. Your breathing-rate shows that you aren't asleep." This voice was female, and a rude one at that. She lowered whatever she had scanned you with.

You opened your eyes more, but refused to move. Out of fear or bravery, you think fear was what won.

"Now." The male said, grabbing for your arm. You flinched back.

"Glad that'll stop us." The female laughed. "You have accomplished nothing."

You stood up, refusing to show your fear. Calling for Ohm would only endanger both of you, and you just wanted him safe. 

Almost in a trance, you followed their instructions, listening to the words, but not really comprehending. Before you knew it, they tried to lead you away, your hands bound. As you passed Ohm's room you tripped and unintentionally yelled out. A hand reached out and caught you; roughly pulling you back to your feet.

Ohm's door flew open and there he stood. His eyes full of worry but yet besides the situation, all you noticed was how good his hair looked messed up from his pillow. You shook that from your mind. 

"Leave her alone! She isn't a part of this!" Ohm yelled. He seemed both calm and panicked at the same time.

"Nice try, Ryan," the female smirked. 

Ryan? They know him?

"She isn't involved." He repeated. "Leave her be." You saw his hand drift to his pocket, but they did too. You found a gun pressed to the side of your face.

"She is with you and that is enough. Looks like you will be joining us too." Behind Ohm, and hand grabbed both of his and pulled them back. They both struggled, and you were pushed ahead and down the hallway. You continued trying to escape, but the gun was still there.

Before you were forced around the corner, you glanced back at Ohm. He was tried to get to three figures away from him and desperately trying to get to you. You locked eyes.

"I will get to you," he mouthed as you both exchanged looks of fear and sadness. "I promise." He was pulled back again.

You were shoved forward again and this time a towel went over your head. As an unfamiliar scent made your head and thoughts spin, the world faded to black and you felt gravity fall.

I promise.

(Ohmwrecker x Reader) That One GiggleWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu