Chapter Thirty-Two (32)

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Adrians p.o.v

I walked into the room early in the morning, it would probably be better if he took his pill earlier then later, because he usually sleeps after taking it right?

"Max." I purred in his ear, rubbing his belly. Old tear streaks ran down his cheeks, he was sprawled out on the bed, legit. The blanket was only covering one of his legs--up to his knee, other than that, he was completely naked. "Max." I cooed again, moving the hair out of his face. He groaned, turning around. His plump butt sticking up in the air. I ran my hand down my chest, and rubbed myself a bit at the front of my boxers, putting down the water and pill on the night stand, I ran my hand down Maxs back.

Its only a bit past six, Max groaned again, flipping himself on his side. Aweh, my cute little puppy.

"Max, take your pill." I shook his shoulders lightly. He rubbed his eyes cutely, and the greeny-blue orbs opened.

"Adrian?" He asked, I nodded, kissing his cheek and handing him the pills once he sat up.

"Just, take them, and we can go back to bed after." I told him softly, I wanted to tell him about how we got Sencer some things for when we move, they can talk on cam when ever they'd like. He nodded his head, popping the purple pill in his mouth and drinking it down with water.

"Thanks." He said quietly, handing the glass back so I could put it on the side table. I nodded and ran my hands through his hair as he leaned on me. "Sigh." He sighed. Smiling, I nuzzled his neck in a affectionate manner, before placing light kissing up and down his neck.


"Come on, Max. We're going to go." I put my hand on his back, and walked with him to the door. His hands full with Sencers gifts, he hasnt really let go of them since he seen them this morning. This move was affecting him more than I think I had realized.

He nodded and walked to the door, head down. I cast a sad glance at Nina, before opening the door for him, following him out. I watched him, making sure he buckled up before putting the vehicle in reverse and back out of the drive way.

The drive was quiet on the way there, and Im pretty sure Max started to cry also, but he wouldnt face me when he would. "Where here." I said softly, rubbing his shoulder. He nodded, sniffling loudly, before getting out of the car. He looked up at the house, as if taking pictures before starting to walk, once I was at his side. I knocked on the door before wrapping an arm around him, he rested his head on my chest, crying.

"Its going to be OK." I told him, rubbing his back. He sniffled, but nodded, replying with a quiet 'Yah'.

"Hey boys!" Noahs mom answered the door perkily, before her eyes landed on Max, full blown mother mode turned on. "Oh! Dear, Max! Are you OK?" She asked, rushing over to him, and pulling him inside. "Want me to get Sencer?" She asked, looking back at me as I closed the door. I nodded to her, and sat next to Max as she ran up the stairs yelling for both boys to get downstairs.

"Hey, Max! How--whats wrong?" He asked, rushing in front of Max.

"Here Sencer," He pushed the two boxes in to Sencers arms. "Its for you." He finished quickly, trying to regain posture, but failed miserably.

Maxs' eyes were puffy, red, and soiled. The once preppy glint in them washed away. As for Sencer, his face was red, not with embarrassment but I think from th fact he had gotten gifts. "Why?" He looked at Max, who didnt do anything, he just stared at his empty lap. "Whats in them?" He asked again, his voice worried.

"Just open them... I... I hope you like them." Max sadly smiled. He moved to the floor next to Sencer and wrapped his arms around him. "Im going to miss you so much." He whimpered, in his hair. It almost looked like Sencer was going to get strangled by the way Maxs' arms were over him. But he didnt seem to mind as he spoke.

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