Chapter Twenty-Five (25)

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Maxs' p.o.v

"Just wait, just wait!" I grabbed onto Ninas hand as outside started to wobble.

"Lets get inside before you fall or vomit, kay?" She stabled me. I nodded, and we continued to walk up the cement steps in the front. Well arent these dangerous. I said to myself. "Stop zoning out on me, and get inside." She nudge me a little, and I nodded. Walking again, "Not so fast!" She said warningly.

Rolling my eyes, a slight pain reached my right one, stupid bruise, ruined my pretty face. And oh my! My cut on my face, like my face? What if Adrian doesnt like me no more cause Ill have a cut? And I think they cut some of my hair too, and apparently I got stitches? But thats OK. Cause Ill look tough.

"Go lay down," Nina pushed me towards the stairs lightly. I nodded, walking to the stairs and up them, I slowly took off my sweater and bit my cheek to help me with the pain. I sat on my bed, and slowly took of my shirt, then unbuttoned my pants, and slid them off, kicking them across my room, and they landed in a corner. Loners.

Sighing contently, I laid on my stomach on the cold bed sheet covers, it wasnt always warm as the hospital beds, and the girls there wouldnt let me move my pillow, well I can now. Sighing in my bed, I scrunched my pillow up and laid my unhurt side of my face on it. I shut my eyes, and let the tiredness take over.

"Hey," A soft voice said into my ear, blowing on it a bit. Whining, I flipped myself on the bed, regretting it when my bruised face smacked down on the pillow, my head started to spin, so I sat up holding it, I think this was what the doctor was talking about, my pain.

Pouting, I softly tapped the spot, willing it to go away.

"You OK?" The voice said, softly rubbing my back. I nodded, leaning into its side. I could tell right away it was Adrian, so I didnt need to be alert. "School was good... Coach told me to give you this," In his hand he held out a piece of paper. Oh! The track sheet. Smiling at Adrian, I pushed my lips out, and he brought his face down to mine giving me a gentle kiss.

"Thanks," I smiled. He then nodded at me, and we both sat down side by side, me resting my head on his shoulder. "Can you believe Noah and Sencer are dating?" I tried to say happily, but I dont think it worked.

"Do you need those pills the doctor prescribed?" He asked, leaning on my shoulder now, placing a iss softly on the side of my head.

"No, it just hurts a little--not lots." I rushed out, I knew if I took them I would go to sleep and I dont want that, I want to spend time with Adrian, I know lying to him who I truly was, was bad so now I have to be good, spend time with him and not lie.

"Well, its not supposed to hurt, so let me get you some." He sighed, standing up and walking to the door. I nodded knowing I already did something wrong. Smooth Max. When he came back, he avoided my touch. He sat on the opposite side of me while I swallowed the pills and drank some water, placing it on the nightstand when I was finished.

We sat in silece for a while, causing me to play with my fingers. "So! How was school?" I smiled at him, going to grab his hand, but he pulled it away, "Oh..." I said quietly, puffing out my cheeks. "I know that you maybe uncomfortable with me, because I told you the fact that Im your dog, but you said that you accept me, but yet your mad at me and you not comfortable with touching. If you not then why did you even come here? To check if Im fine? You could of just called and asked Nina instead of wasting your time." I finished, I felt like I was going to cry, and oh I hated crying.

"Max." I could hear him pouting, "Dont cry. I dont like seeing you cry." He bounced on the bed a little.

"Well, then stop not touching me Adrian!" I cried, putting my hands lightly over my have as the water fell from my eyes.

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