Chapter Thirty-One (31)

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Maxs' p.o.v

I sat happily back in Adrians arms. Ever since I tried to drown myself in the bath Patch has stopped talking to me. I hated him so much. I never wanted to talk to me ever again, and now I have to take these purple pills that the doctor says will help me so Patch will never come back.

I didnt see how much I had hurt Adrian too. He looked just as sick as me. He had those loopy circles under his eyes and his hair was a mess. I hadnt seen him for a week! So I panicked and listened to Pat, I did what he said and I tried to kill myself.

"Are you awake?" Adrians groggy voice brought me back to reality. I sniffled, but nodded, whispering a quiet 'Yah'. "Do you forgive me for being a big fat bum?" He tried to joke, but I could still hear some hurt in his beautiful voice.

I laughed. "Ill always forgive you." I told him truthfully, pulling his hands to my stomach. He smiled at me, but started to move his hand in circular motions. "What is on your back?" I quietly asked trying to change the subject. I didnt really like talking about our almost break up. It hurt me a lot--just like him. Some times I think Im just blaming Pat for saying I should kill myself, because I dont even know. Im thinking that maybe I did want to kill myself, and it had nothing to do with Pat at all.

But, I didnt want to tell anybody that cause they probably would think Im crazy, and Adrian would be so worried about me, I wouldnt even be able to leave his site!

"My tattoo." He shrugged, "Its your name you know." He smiled. "You were there when I got it too." He added. "They let me take you into the room and pet you." He laughed, "It hurt though." He twisted his face. "But it was worth it. its beautiful. Just like you." He smiled.

I sat up in the bed and pealed the blankets off me. "Im going to go get water." I told him, before picking up my bag, picking up my shirt from the floor and putting it on before opening his bedroom door.

"For your pills." He said--not sounding like a question, but yet a statement. My face went red slightly, embarrassment flushing my features. I nodded. "You dont have to hide it, Max." He stood too, but didnt put on a shirt. "Id rather have you take pills, then try and kill yourself." He rubbed my arms and I nodded, putting my head down to stare at my feet. "Head up, and lets go get you some water." He took my bag from me, pulling out the bottle of pills and grabbing my hand walking down stairs with me.

Nina and Adrians mom sat on the couch, laughing and watching a show, smiling as Adrian dragged me to the kitchen. He took out a pill from the container, handing it to me, before walking to a cupboard and getting a tall glass of water--handing that to me too.

"Boys!" Our parents yelled, Adrian turned around and thats when I swallowed the pill. "We need to talk."

Adrian and I exchanged looks, before walking into the living room slowly, sitting sprawled out on the floor. "Yes?" We replied at the same time, causing me to giggle, and Adrian to blush. Aweh.

"Max, Adrian, do you remember when we talked about moving?" Nina raised a brow, her blond hair in a braid, I nodded, then looked at Adrian--who had nodded also. "We have decided. Even if you guys arent going into college, we are moving." She continued to explain. "We arent sure yet, but its out of the country." She looked at Adrians mom and nodded.

"But... But..." I stuttered, "Is Sencer coming with us?" I asked, if hes not whos going to be his best friend? It couldnt be me because, I wouldnt be here with him no more, and we couldnt talk. How are we supposed to talk? Hes like the second best thing to me. Him and Adrian are like tied. I could never leave him. Never ever.

"No... Hes not, hes staying with Noah remember?" My face paled visibly at her words, and I started to shake my head. No. No. I nearly lost Adrian, now she wants me to loose my bestfriend to? How could she even ask me to do that?

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