Chapter Twenty-One (21)

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Adrians p.o.v

My mom drove me to Maxs' house. Coming here every time gave me little butterflies. I already knew how this night was going to go, I was going to take Max out to have a good time, and so we could spend time together and get closer. Not taking all the other sweaty people that will be there, at the house party.

She had told me, that Max had never been to one of these things before, so it might take him a couple of minutes to get used to the crowd of people, and I had to make sure he didnt get lost, he wasnt well under pressure, and I remember that from the night he left the school and was lost when it rained.

"Thanks mom." I smiled, getting out of the car, I watched as she pulled away, and went up to knock on the door, but Max stumbled out before I could. He ran into me, making me stumble back. "Hey," I smiled down at him, taking in his appearance. He wore a snug sky blue graphic tee, and a pair or black skinnies like mine, his hair was given the slightly messy look, and I had to thank Nina cause he looked hot. We kind of dressed the same, except I was all black, and my hair in the regular waxed fohawk.

He blushed as he saw me checking him out, "Hi..." He said shyly, moving the hair from his face.

"You look great," I caressed his cheek. He blushed looking at the floor.

"Uh... You too." He smiled gently checking me out as well.

I smiled, pulling him for a hug, and a firm kiss. "Thanks," I hugged him, letting him nuzzle my chest. "OK! Lets go!" I cheered, grabbing his hand and running about one block as both of our breathing got unsteady. When we got there, I would give him one drink just to loosen his nerves, and it wouldnt be strong because he might not handle alcohol well. Before we got to in front of the house, the music was blaring and lights flashing. I saw out of the corner of my eye Max wince. "Hey, listen." I grabbed his hands, making his whole focus go to me, "I just want to say, when we're in there, dont take any drink that anybody has gotten you, except the ones I do, K?" I tugged his hands a little, and he nodded, smiling slightly, "Good." I stuck my tongue out to him, before pulling his lips to mine.

When we pulled apart, I noticed Max getting fidgety. I opened the door-which was already left open-and pulled us to the kitchen, dodging sweaty bodies in the entrance hall. Max had a disgusted look on his face, but little did we know, we would be in that crowd sooner or later. We were going to dance, whether he liked it or not.

When I found everything in the kitchen, I couldnt help but smile as Max would jump at every bottle that was on the floor he kicked. "Hey," I placed my hand on his shoulder, his green-blue eyes looked up at meet mine, he smiled shyly, kicking another bottle. Then laughing. "Drink this," I handed him a cup, watching him sniff it as I made one myself.

With all the parties Ive been to, and my mom knowing she actually got me a book that told me how to make alcoholic drinks, and Ive memorized my favorites, that I think Max might like too.

I raised my glass to his, both seventy-five percent full, and pushed them together, the plastic on them making a soft click, until we pulled them apart, met eyes, then downed them, we shared a quiet passionate kiss after that. "Can I have another one?" He asked, his eyes shining. Raising a brow, I looked him up and down, his foot gently taping the floor to the beat of the music. I stood there a while just looking at him, until he jumped at my arm. "Please!" He begged, giving me the worst puppy dog look Ive ever seen, but it was cute because it was on his face. Shrugging I gave in, and he cheered, pelvic thrusting in the kitchen getting girls from across the island to giggle. I glared at them, pulling Max close to me, dont think so. I handed him another cup and he downed it. Damn.

He grabbed my hand smiling widely then dragging me to the dance floor, pulling and stopping us in between all the sweaty, and making out teenagers. Max started to jump in with the crowd, leaving me stand there like a retard. I pouted, this is why I hated bouncy music, Im pretty sure it was Shrillex that was playing, and only one song of theres I could stand and listen to-which was Bangarang-and that was defiantly not playing, but then again I could be wrong it could be Dubstep, but still I hated them both.

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