Chapter Twenty-Six (26)

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Adrians p.o.v

Its been two weeks today now since Max has been in the hospital and two weeks since we almost had sex, and you know what? Thats been on my mind a lot lately. But when it comes to gay sex, its kind of scary, you know? Because of all the risks that are like there, like how you could tare his rear end, and then it like bleeds.

It scares me personally. Im not sure about Max, but if I was him and was on the receiving end, and having to get my ass penetrated, oh God.

I shook my head getting those thoughts out of my head, and continued my journey to Maxs' house with my mom! Yesterday I told Max we're going out today but I didnt tell him where, and Nina called last night she was having trouble putting him down. Which made my heart nearly stop, because you know how dogs get put down? Yah, that scared me, but I know Nina wouldnt hurt Max cause I saw his body recently, and no doubt today cause we're going to the beach, but like I said before, Nina wouldnt hurt Max, she took him inside when it was raining hard. She even turned him human for him, and for me, because even as a four legged dog he had loved me, as soon as he saw me on Christmas.

He told me everything basically, and I have to admit, it made me feel kind of like a horrible dog owner, how he said that he would have to spend time with my mom, and sleep with her in her bed when I wasnt at home. I was nearly in tears for that one. He said he felt rejected sometimes, and that he didnt want me, and when the dog attacked him it hurt him because the next day I left and he felt as if I didnt care that he was hurt.

"So, remember Adrian, Nina and I will be out of town just for tonight, then tomorrow at three we will be back." My mom stopped the car in front of Ninas house, handing me the keys, we both got out. My mom told me, her and Nina where going to an 'All girls' thingy, where they get massages and everything for a day and a half. But it doesnt matter, as long as my mom has fun, she deserves it, stressing out over everything.

"Hey!" We all greeted each other, Max gave me a peck on the lips, and we both moved on, I hugged Nina giving her a kiss on the cheek, and Max gave my mom a kiss on the cheek as well.

"So you two are are leaving before right?" Nina asked, packing a bag on the counter, Max looked and nodded.

"Yah, we're leaving soon, so go get ready!" I cheered in his ear, he jumped before slapping my arm, sticking his tongue out at me. "Put that back in your mouth before I bite it." I playfully glared, he pulled it back in pouting. Grinning widely, I placed a soft kiss on his soft lips, and shooed him up to his room.

"Adrian!" My mom hissed, I turned around raising a brow, as she waved her hand frantcically for the 'Come here' motion. I nodded and walked quickly over to her, "Here." She handed me some money.

"Mom!" I whined.

She put her finger to my lip and hushed me, "No. You guys go have fun on the board walk, go in the water. I dont want any restrictions," She wagged her fingers at me smiling, as soon as Maxs' foot steps were heard coming down the steps, everybody froze and we started talking about random things, even an apple?

"Ready?" Max smiled coming beside me, and looping his arm in mine.

"Yes indeed!" I cheered, "Lets go," I pulled his arm gently, and he looked slightly confused. Smiling, I grabbed his bag slinging it over my shoulder, and rushing us out the front door, I have to admit, Im pretty excited myself, because it has been so long since I went to the beach and had fun, so now, Im going to share all of that with Max, Im going to take him on those rides, buy him ice cream, walk on the beach waves together, play in the sand, and kiss him when hes not expecting it. Its going to be s'well.

"Hurry! Get it!" I pushed him faster towards the passenger seat, he laughed and nodded walking faster.

"Where are we going?" He asked, pushing some hair out of his face, so I could see those beautiful eyes of his.

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