Chapter Three (3)

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Maxs p.o.v

"You know I cant keep girlfriends," Adrian said into his device, he was sitting in his bed, he had not shirt, and was petting my head. "Yah I know, but I like my dog," he smiled down at me, "I choose to be single, thank you very much, and its none of your business who I loose, or lost my virginity to," his cheeks went a light red, "Fine," he groaned, "Whatever. Yah, Ill be there. Bye," he hung up his phone an threw it to the end of the bed.

"Where are you going?" I asked, sitting up, he just ignored me.

"Im going to go with Kameron tonight OK?" he smiled at me, and it broke my heart. He didnt want to stay with me,

I sounded a low growl, only for me to hear, and grabbed his shirt he laid on the bed. I ran down the stairs, ignoring the shivers of pain.

Hes spending the day with me.

I put the fabric between my teeth, and started to chew, munching holes in the fabric, I dont know where the mom went, but I think she was here.

"Max!" Adrians voice yelled, I sank more into the corner, in between the couch and wall. "Max!" he yelled again, I gave in and responded.


"Oh, your in so much trouble," he stood in front of me, and hit me on the head... Hard. "Your so stupid," he mumbled to himself, pulling the shirt away from me, "God! You always ruin everything, you can never just leave stuff," he said.

"I always leave stuff!" I growled back,

"This was important," he waved the shirt in front of my face, "Your so self centered," he finally said, throwing the shirt roughly at me.

I quirked my head to the side, how am I self centered? Because I want to spend more time with Adrian? But he has never said that to me before, maybe he was stressed, but then again, he hit me. He never hits me, he hit my head, usually he would just flick my nose.

"You better watch your mouth Adrian. You. Where the one that wanted a dog," I could hear his mom speaking, "I saw you hit him," she scolded, "And I do not. Do not. Tolerate that, even if he did chew your shirt, he is a dog," I heard footsteps coming to where I was near the couch, and it was the mom, "Come here, boy," she smiled at me, clapping her hands, "Come on, Ill let you outside,"

Standing up, I put my tail between my legs, as I seen Adrian standing by the stairs, what if he hits me again? I didnt like that, "Hes just pu--"

"Adrian! Get up the stairs and get ready before I ground you, for years and never let you see Max again," she snapped, pointing her finger towards the second level of the house, she turned back to me, and opened the patio door, throwing my ball out there. I went to go fetch it,

When I turned around with the ball in my mouth, the door was shut. So I decided to go play by myself, looking at the fence every now and then.

I never wanted to go on the other side of it, other than the times Ive been on my leash, but now I wanted to go. Go explore. I wanted to be off the leash and be able to run around.

Will Adrian miss me? I mean he hit me, maybe what I did was wrong, but he never, ever hits me, and he looked so mad.

Walking over to the fence, I smelled it, nudging it with my nose it opened I sniffed it some more, I poked my head back, and watched as Adrian shut the door, he didnt even look back at the fence. Its l like he didnt care.

I messed up. I messed up so bad.

When he got into the blue car, I quickly ran after him, "Im sorry!" I yelled as it drove away. "Wait! Adrian! I didnt mean to chew your shirt," When the car stopped, that was my only chance, I bolted it, running to the end of the block.

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