Chapter Five (5)

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Maxs p.o.v

"Adrian," I scratched at the sheets in pain,

I just wanted my owner back, I didnt mean to leave.

"Open your eyes," she told me, her hand was on my forehead.

"It hurts, I want Adrian," I whimpered, he could make me feel better with his belly rubs.

"You cant hun, your human," she soothed, "And you have to wake up, you've been here for one day, and I need to teach you as much as I can for when you go to school,"

"But it hurts," I cried.

"Because your not used to your body, you have to get up and use it,"

I cracked my eyes open, and it burned so much, I raised my hand, and another sickening crack rippled through the air, I screamed.

I guess my voice was not that bad at least. I sounded some what like Adrian... But my voice was a little bit higher.

"Just like that," she hummed.

She bent my wrist, crack

She bent my elbow, crack.

She did that with all my limbs, then helped me get up so I was sitting in the bed.

I looked at my hands, they had five long bones covered in a creamy colored flesh. I looked down and blushed at the thing on my lap, I fumbled with the blanket and covered it up. All the blankets I was given I threw over me.

Adrian has one too. He used to like, rub it.

I shook my head, getting the dirty thought about my owner out of my mind.

But I couldnt, because, I was just like him now. I was human!

"Wh... Why did you?" I bit my lip, "Help me?" I asked her, her name was still unknown to me, why did I use the word 'help' is she helping me?

"Because I felt something in you," she told me, "Something stronger than love, and you need to find it in here," she poked my chest,

"In my skin?" I cocked my head to the side,

"No son," she laughed silently, "Your heart," she spoke seriously, "I... If you let me, would like to raise you from here on out, as my son," she paused, "I want to teach you how to use your new body. I want you to go get an education, I want you to live life in human form, and I want you to enjoy it," she licked her bottom lip, waiting for me to respond.

"But.. I dont know anything," What if I cant make it in the real world, what if I get jumped, dead. What if I have nobody. I dont want to be alone.

"Ill get you a tutor at the school, they already said they would except you, Ive had this planned out so well," she almost was begging.

"Um... Yah?" I responded, but it came out more like a question.

"Good," she smiled, kissing my forehead, letting her lips linger there.

"Are you OK?" I asked as I felt a wet substance where her lips where.

"Oh..." she cleared her throat, moving away, wiping something off her face, "Yes, sorry," she smiled, both hands on her belly, "Do you need help walking?" she asked.

I bit my lip, "Uh... Do you have any thing to cover myself up?" I kept moving my new human feet. They felt weird.

"Yes, stay here," she pointed a finger and me, then walked away fast.

I started to fiddle with my fingers, what are these called? Everything has a name right?

Staring at my non colored belly, this is going to need some getting used to. Well obviously, but... I liked my fur, and my belly rubs.

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