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i gathered myself and took a deep breath, i walked over to the shower and ran my fingers along the glass door as i caught my bottom lip between my teeth to prevent myself from crying even more. i shook my head before removing my thong and bra and stepping inside of the shower. i turned on the water and let out deep breaths as the hot water coated my sensitive skin. i ran my hands through my hair as i stood under the steaming water, my hair and whole body drenched in the liquid. my thoughts haunted my mind to the point where i slammed my hands against the tile wall, my hands going numb to the touch which only made me want the pain more. i slapped my hands on the tile countless more times as i screamed out; i couldn't tell if i was crying or if it was just the shower water covering my face but i felt the burning once more.

i pounded my fists on the hard tile to the point where a hot red substance began to slide down my hands and along my arms. the warm fluid changing the color and texture on the water droplets that existed on my hands and arms. i let out a shaky breath as i examined the dark substance flowing freely along my body. i slid down the reddened tile with my focus strictly on my hands, specifically my knuckles which has done most of the damage.

the blood invaded the tile floor of my shower as it mixed with the water free flowing from the shower head. i hugged my knees close to my exposed body, my breathing choppy as reality hit me. i washed my sore hands beneath the water, flinching as it stung, i looked at the open wounds and hit myself on the head.

"fucking idiot." i sighed before standing up and finishing my painful shower. it didn't help that my fresh wounds had to make contact with the soap i used.

i stepped out of the showers and wrapped myself in the barbie pink towels that hung in my bathroom. i wrapped one around my body, one around my hair and another around my bleeding knuckles. i sighed and defogged my mirrors, taking a long look at myself before walking into my room and finding something to wear.

i stepped out of my dark red mustang with my hole filled shorts and scorpions 'love at first sting' long sleeved shirt. i bandaged up my knuckles the best i could but it still wasn't enough so i had to keep them hidden in my sleeves. i slammed the car door behind me and took a deep breath before walking across the parking lot, passing by billy and his car flooded with girls and people he claimed as friends. i walked up the stairs outside of the school and disappeared through the doors.

i walked into my first period surprisingly on time but everyone had already been in there. i walked past coach's desk keeping my head high as i noticed billy had actually showed up to government class. i avoided looking at him at all costs which incidentally caused my gaze to land on duff, one of axls friends. i had never noticed him before.

his hair beautifully blonde, curly and filled with volume, a light gray bandana tied nicely around his head to give his hair a unique look. duff was very attractive, he had plump pink lips. he had dark eyebrows, i loved the contrast difference between his very blonde hair and the dark eyebrows. he was absolutely stunning.

i hadn't realized how caught up in myself i was until i felt a tug on my arms and my name being called out by coach.

"can we find out seat, rhiannnon?" i turned around and faced him, nancys hand that had gripped onto my sleeve losing contact as i looked at him. i found myself in a cooperative mood and sat my ass down in my seat, dropping my bag to the left of me and feeling eyes on me. i heard a pen tapping along to a soft beat on a notebook and couldn't help but know billy and his annoying ways.

i turned around to shut billy up when i noticed the source of noise wasn't coming from billy at all but the mysterious character who all i knew about was that he played the guitar.

blue camero (billy hargrove)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora