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billy's eyes smiled brightly to hear the beautiful purr of his most prized possession. nothing could take his baby from him and he wouldn't change it for the world.
"let's go, come on rhi." billys voice attempted to match the loudness of the car but we both knew all too well that with the engine roaring, music blasting and anticipation rising he couldn't come close to matching the noise.
"i'm comin, i'm comin hargrove." he shushed him off because one of my favorite songs had come on and i just wanted to jam and ride in the passenger seat of the car billy adored.
"so tell me, why do you love your car so much?" i began, "i mean deeper than the exterior, why would you keep this over any offer handed to you?"
billy thought for a moment in his seat, the gas pedal clamped to the floor as he lit his cigarette and dangled it from his lips for a moment, conjuring up the words he would express. he took a long drag from the cigarette hanging from his plump lips and held it between his fingers. blowing out the smoke as he spoke his genius words to me.
"i could get the offer to trade my car to meet all my favorite bands and hang with them but in the end of the day those things don't last forever. in the end they'll forget about me or i'll never see them again." he took another long drag, "i see it as simply that my car has been with me for this long so far so why would i trade it for a rockin day when i have my baby for a much longer time."
"okay, but say you were apart of the band or best friends with the members and you were with them every step of the way, life the dream you've always wanted." i spoke, he furrowed his eyebrows for a moment, contemplating what i had said and took a corner fast, how i loved it when billy could get his car on two wheels, centering everything back into place and thought for a moment longer. we ceased the conversation all at once when he couldn't give me the answer because he wouldn't really know what he'd do unless he was in the actual moment.
i was absolutely clueless as to where we were going, anywhere with billy seemed quite nice though, it was quite early in the day so that meant no parties, i had considered picking up max and putting her under house arrest for the sole purpose of billy not getting hurt or yelled at again and i guess we had the same thought process.
we pulled into the parking lot of the arcade that was quite popular for kids maxs age. billy killed the engine and took a deep sigh before finishing his cigarette and throwing it out the window. we walked to the front doors and opened them to hear the frustration and happiness of kids, the slapping of fingers on buttons and joysticks against their limit boxes. billy shook his head in disgust and we both walked in, the kids were seeming to multiply, working here would be hell.
we approached a game that had a large group of kids surrounding it cheering and shouting. billy was trying to dissect the crowd and my attention adverted from the game to across the room where my eyes met steve's.
with that he began his walk over, walking at a pace that showed his excitement to see me but at the same time cool and slow. i met him halfway to avoid any conflicts we may have between billy and steve cause i know they're not huge fans of each other.
"rhiannon! look at you." steve began, wrapping his arms tightly around me, "aren't you a sight for sore eyes. and always looking hot as fuck, i like the shorts, very now." he smirked as he pulled away and looked me up and down as if i were a piece of meat.
"hi steve, how've you been?" i asked him, trying to make small talk while billy conjured up the child.
"good, missing you but good. you know i've been dying to go for another round with you. you're just so fun and well, you rocked my night not too long ago so."
"well, that'll be under consideration."
steve's eyes lit up with excitement but as always played it off as cool, "so what you up to around here?" he asked, leaning against a game machine.
"finding a specific red head who's causin quite a bit of trouble. nothing i can't fix though. what are you doing here steve?"
"babysitting." he nodded, jamming his thumb over to a group of strange looking kids, oddly familiar but i couldn't put faces to names.
i nodded and turned back around to see billys broad chest in my face, how id kill to see it bare once more and a million times after that. he looked at steve, then at me, then back at steve again.
"what are you doing, rhiannon?" billy spoke, his voice low and dark."
"just saying hello to steve, catching up on lost time that's all. is that a problem, billy?" i cocked an eyebrow up at him.
"i'm lookin for my stepsister." billy began, totally disregarding what i had said and looking at steve, "small, redhead, bit of a bitch." he cut the air with his words. steve laughed and nodded, pointing over to the group of kids he's babysitting.
"let's go, rhi." billys hand grabbed my upper arm and i looked at him like, what in the fuck, billy turned back toward me and shifted himself in his standing position.
"fuck this." he shook his head and walked off, his body ending up right outside the circle of kids where he grabbed max's attention and they left without me and without saying a word.
part of me regretted protesting billys actions but the other part of me encouraged it and make me proud, proving to myself that i don't need him, i just really want him.
i looked over at steve and he had a large grin plastered on his face, i shook my head at him and laughed softly, "how's nancy? she doin okay?"
"nancy's good, we're not together if that's what you're hinting to."
i raised my hands up in defense and shook my head.
"just wanted to know."
steve's persona was the opposite of billys. in ways i can't describe steve i can describe billy. billy was quite complex to describe but three words tied it all together.
devil in disguise.

"you know, it's awful loud in here, i don't know how you manage to stay sane on this joint." i laughed softly to steve as we were talking, leaning against a counter top that had prizes and toys on the other end of it.
"i get paid so that makes it a little easier to deal with," he let out a soft laugh and shrugged his shoulders, "the kids are pretty cool too, i don't know though, it all kinda blows, my whole situation." he looked at the wall across from us and sighed.
"elaborate for me, harrington."
"how about i take you next door and buy you a drink and i'll tell you what's goin on." he suggested, i smiled at the offer and nodded, i wanted to get the hell out of that noisy arcade and also i was extremely thirsty.
we got up and steve walked over to the kids to let them know what was going on. they couldn't give a damn about what steve had to say cause they were too engulfed in their video games so steve wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we walked next door to a small diner. it was nothing too extravagant.
we sat at a table and steve eyed me for a moment as the waitress asked for our drink orders.
"can i get a coke, and for the girl a sprite." he winked at me, his eyes never leaving me as the waitress scribbled down the two things and walked off.
"very impressive harrington." i laughed softly, "how'd you know?"
"i have my ways." he smirked and leaned back in his booth.
"so, tell me what's going on man." i could tell steve was dreading my statement but he also needed an outlet.
"well, i don't know. i guess it all started when hargrove transferred here last year, my whole world and empire that i had built for myself diminished the second he set foot onto campus, then he took my keg title, then came the girls and basketball and it's just a whole monster deal that's endless." he played with the salt and pepper shakers in his hand to keep his mind busy.
"then there's my social life going down the toilet because i've got four to six kids to take care of." he rolled his eyes and shook his head, "maybe i'm being dramatic but i don't know, life was a lot better before everything changed."
i let out a soft sigh and nodded my head, i could relate to what he was talking about, having your whole world switched up on you or being pushed off of it like their taking it right from under you.
we were silent for a moment before the drinks came and we both kept our mouths busy with the drinking. we were silent for a moment before i realized what song was on. i smiled to myself and looked up from my drink at steve who was too into his thoughts to realize what was playing. i placed my hand on steve's and smiled at him, softly singing with the music as the song played.
"watchin in slow motion as you turn around and say, take my breath away." steve's eyes lit up as he laughed softly, he bit his lip softly and joined me in singing.
"through the hourglass i saw you. in time you slipped away. when the mirror crashed i called youuuuuu." he sang as he held my hand tightly, the grip of his large hands on my small ones made me smile like a maniac.
"rhi," steve began, stopping his sentence as our eyes met, his fingers slowly running along my hands as they were enveloped in his.
"yes, steve?"
"nevermind. it's stupid. you and hargrove are something so just forget it." he shook his head and retracted his hand.
"me and billy aren't anything. nothing official or something like that." i reassured him, my heart sinking a little because i liked billy so much but we weren't anything.
steve's head shot up and he looked at me, his eyes scanning me as his breathing subtly hitched.
"not to sound disrespectful or anything but i really want to fuck you." steve blurred out and at that moment i felt fine with it and wanted that as well.

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