Chapter 16: The Underdog Will Win

Start from the beginning

"And you don't think Naruto's been training?" Hikari questioned.

Kurenai shrugged indifferently, "I'm sure he has. I'm not saying that Kiba will win, but I just think that he has the advantage." 

"You might think that he has the advantage, but in the end the underdog will be the victor." Hikari stated certainly.

"You seem quite confident in him." 

"And you, Kiba." Hikari sharply replied.

"Care to make a bet?" Kurenai asked.

Hikari sucked in her breath. She looked from the corner of her eyes towards Kakashi who clenched his jaw and tried to shake his head no, so Kurenai wouldn't see. She sucked in more of her breath, turning towards Naruto who was talking smack against Kiba. She mentally slapped herself in the face, what kind of sister would hesitate against this question? Of course she believed in Naruto, she'd even believe that he would win the whole damn thing!

"Of course, how much?" Hikari asked.

"4,021 ryo." Kurenai states.

Hikari turned monetarily towards Kakashi who was still discreetly shaking his head no and then turned towards the arena as Kiba began to smack talk Naruto. Her blood began to boil. No one has to right to talk to her little brother that way.

"Deal." Hikari answered, shaking Kurenai's outstretched hand, turning towards Kakashi whose jaw was slightly apart in shock that she actually agreed.

"Can you hold our money?" Hikari asked him.

Kakashi sighed, holding out his hand for the money. Hikari and Kurenai both reached into their weapon pouches and pulled out 4,021 ryo and handed it towards Kakashi who stuffed it into his weapon pouch.

Kurenai and Hikari both turned towards the match that still hasn't begun yet, both with determination and rooting for their own Genins.

"Hey hey! Is that allowed?" Hikari heard Naruto complaining.

"Yes, animals and bugs are treated as weapons." Hayate answered, "It isn't a problem."

"Oh, well! It's a good handicap." Naruto shouted.

"Acting tough, eh?" Kiba questioned, "Then… Akamaru, don't do anything. I'll do this alone." 

"Naruto! Don't lose to that guy!" Sakura shouted from the balcony.

"I'll beat you in one hit out of pity." Kiba finally stated cockily.

Hikari shook her head at him, that was a big weakness of him. He underestimated Naruto, those that underestimate others tend to be more sloppy which leaves more room for mistakes. 

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