Two and a half

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Part two and a half: closer

The pregnancy was coming closer to an end. Every day he was closer to giving birth. At this point, everyone at home was ready to run out of the house with Jungkook to the hospital. The estimated date was only a week away. The Kim's hoped that they could all be there to support their Kookie. The children attended their classes and Jin did his work at home. Jin had taken his job home for a month now...meaning Jungkook wasn't ever alone.

The last month of pregnancy was a hassle. Jungkook took classes on how to take care of his baby, what methods might help avoid too much pain during birth and among other things. All that good stuff first time parents needed to know. Jin had accompanied him to all those classes which lasted only a week and a half.

It seemed that those classes were just reminders on certain things they might've forgot. Only, Jungkook had learned a few things on pregnancy. They both had some experience. Jin had joked that he was an expert. After, all he had four children and had been present every birth. It might've been said jokingly but it calmed Jungkook to know. Jin was being supportive every step of the way.

"Jin?" Jungkook called. He wasn't sure where Jin disappeared to but he needed some comfort.

"I'm coming!" He yelled out. Jungkook couldn't make out from where but he tried to comfort himself. These last days had been exhausting. He was physically and mentally tired. Nothing he did was working. Jungkook wanted to give birth tho his baby already. What he felt was so exhausting that it was almost excruciating.

During class there was some parents that shared their personal experiences to the first timers. They said that it was normal to feel out of place but to didn't feel right. Jungkook wanted to cry in desperation. This wasn't something he ever pictured someone going through during pregnancy. Was it really normal? Or had they just tried to talk it down like it was nothing? It felt like something. Something big.

"I'm here," Jin said as he set down some items on the foot of the bed.

"Jin," he cried. Jungkook tried to find a comfortable position to be in. It was hard. Where was that stupid pillow that helped, if only slightly?

"Papa is here." Jin turned Jungkook slightly to put the body pillow under his swollen belly. Jin gave him some crushed ice to chew on. He set a bowl of some snacks on the nightstand closest to Jungkook.

Jungkook was slightly relieved. How did Jin know what to do? He wasn't even sure what he wanted or needed. Jin was truly an expert father. He was an amazing papa.

"Thank you," he continued to shed tears but these were due to the relief he felt. There was still something uncomfortable but this was much bearable than previously.

Jin laid down next to him. It was currently midnight and he was trying to help Jungkook. And the best way was to have Jungkook in the same room. Jungkook, at first, refused because he didn't feel right. They weren't together or given any indication of a possibility of joining together. Slowly, he started to see why it would be helpful to have Jin only inches away. Jungkook couldn't have the children lose sleep because of him. Jungkook couldn't ask the children to do what Jin was doing for him.

"The baby wants love." Jungkook whispered. The baby was kicking and it wouldn't let him sleep. He was shy to ask Jin to cuddle him and caress his pregnant tummy. It was embarrassing but that helped his baby boy.

There was never any hesitation on Jin's part to cuddle. Jungkook felt his body relax into his arms. The small caresses his baby felt, settled the kicking and squirming he felt. This physical contact with Jin was drawing closer to an end. Just like his pregnancy. Everything was coming closer to an end or maybe the beginning. The beginning of new life, new love and new situations. They weren't endings. Yes, these steps drew closer to new beginnings.

March 26, 2018

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