One and a half

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Part one and a half: to the swing of things

Jungkook was struggling to regain some sort of routine. He had spent his first weeks in bed. It was a precaution which he gladly took. No matter how bored he got, he did it for the small being in his body. The baby that he loved with all his heart. The small child which was symbol of love with Yoongi. Jungkook needed part of Yoongi with him. That's why he tried to care for himself the best way he knew how.

Right now, he knew his body could stand a bit of work. There was work to be done in this familiar home. Jungkoook has set out a job for himself. It wouldn't get done by itself. He had to do it. In order to begin, Jungkook needed to be in top shape. It wouldn't be problem if he wasn't pregnant. The pregnancy took a lot of energy from him. The things he once did at a timely fashion would done in double the time. He couldn't push himself to go beyond his physical capabilities.

For him there was so much to lose. That's why he divvied up the chores. He didn't have much to do, since the children did their fair share. They weren't messy little kids that needed to be picked up after. There was only one child that she had to worry about. But even then, Jisoo had made it her job to take care of the child. The only time Jungkook took care of Jennie was when Jisoo was in school or too busy with something else.

The first weeks he had done nothing for the child. SeokJin has taken her to a daycare for those hours Jungkook would be alone. Now, that he was getting back to work, he wanted to take care of the child. He missed the days when he had the three Kim children running around. Although, he was aware that he couldn't handle all three at this time. Those were some of the most pleasant memories he had. So, when he approached SeokJin about Jennie, he said was denied.

SeokJin explained that he was just getting back to moving around. He even suggested that Jungkook have someone to accompany during those hours alone. In other words have someone "adultsit" him. Jungkook was a grown man. He knew when he was tired and he wasn't planning on pushing himself. But he tried to understand that SeokJin only wanted him and his baby to be safe. The situation was making him feel useless.

He would start by taking small walks and cook himself lunch. That would be a beginning and slowly he could build his strength. It would take some time but it could be done. SeokJin would come and check on him during his lunch. It was never at the same time for the CEO. SeokJin would just make sure he was okay. And Jungkook was okay with that. It felt good to be cared for. Jungkook would take care of them better once he gave birth. That was a promise because there wasn't anything more that he wanted. He wanted this family to be cared for, healthy, happy, and prosperous. That's Jungkook's wish. Now, if only his small one was good, ready and healthy, he would gladly welcome him in his arms and do the same.

March 22, 2018
So this is an extension. I don't think they'll be quite as long as the original chapters. And I'm just saying half because literally it's not long and it doesn't need to be part of the whole story

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