Chapter 6 The Past and the Curious

Start from the beginning

"THIS IS STUDENT VIOLENCE!" She pointed to Joohyun's cheek that was red because of the hard slap.

"Maybe you want me to show you another example? Should I demonstrate one?"Seulgi said while moving forward to the girl who hit Joohyun. The bully girls stepped back with an upset face and ran away from the scene.

"Those girls are just brave because there are two of them" Moonbyul said in displeased tone.

"Aren't we the same as them?" Seulgi asked her but Moonbyul shook her head.

"You can even handle them alone. I just want to join the fun~" Moonbyul said in a funny way but meant what she said.

Seulgi's point of view

We approached Joohyun, her body was  evidently shaking but she was trying to contain her composure while purposely not looking at us and just hiding her face with her messy hair. I saw that her cheek was bleeding due to small scratches that she might've gotten from the girl who hit her. Making her face my direction, I spoke.

"Hey." But before I could say another word, seeing her face made me stop. All I could see was a blank face with dark eyes with tears falling down. It's like she can't believe what just happened. It broke me. I hesitated to reach her face with my hand and eventually gave up.

*End of Flash back*

'I still remember that face as if it was just yesterday'

I played that in my thoughts while looking at my hand who failed to reach her that day.

"I wonder where she is now... I hope she's not experiencing the same thing when I last saw her in high school." I said then let out a sigh.

"Hey" A voice called out that made me look up in front of me. A petite girl with a black long hair and bangs stood in front of me. She walked slowly towards me with wonder on her face.

"So what's bothering my fill in instructor at this point of time in the middle of the road?" Yooa said in curiosity with her eyes examining my face.

"N..Nothing" I replied back.

"I'm no longer your fill in instructor. I have a name you know. It's S-E-U-L-G-I." I protested.

"Kang Seulgi, right? I know it from the very start. I was just not fond of you so I didn't dare to call you by your name" Yooa said bluntly then turn her back on me to start walking. I looked at her in disbelief but shrugged it off later on realizing that Yooa is just being Yooa as usual.

"You better treat me today. I'm still upset with what you did last time" She said as she turned her back to face me again. Then I realize what she said. It made me remember that I kissed her on our last day at the studio. I was embarrassed remembering the event and just pulled my head down in shyness.

"What is that? Are you being shy all of a sudden? You did it you know" Yooa said as she chuckled teasingly.

We ended up inside a coffee shop with Yooa happily drinking her ice Americano with me not being minded at all. We spend the time not even having a conversation, with me just staring at her as she drinks.

"Where were you heading when I saw you on the street?" I asked trying to break the silence.

"Hmm.. Nowhere in specific. I was just having a walk but then I saw a bothered face which happens to be you" she explained as if she hated that she saw me.

"Oh I see" I replied. Honestly, I can't quite read what's on Yooa's mind. She looks like an independent girl that hates me but is hanging out with me right now. Yooa suddenly stood up making me snap from my thoughts.

"What is it?" I asked as Yooa just kept on staring at me while sipping her iced coffee until the very last drop. She held me on my wrist and pulled me out the coffee shop.

"Where are we going?" I asked as she keeps on pulling me to some where I don't know.

"Some where you can treat me more" she stated and finally we stopped in front of an arcade shop. She excitedly pulled me in and before I knew it we're already in front of a basketball shooting game. We played not realizing that our competence were rising not wanting to be beaten up by the other.

After that, she pulled me to a shooting game then to the other arcade games and lastly to a racing game. I had to admit it was fun. I needed to release stress from work anyway.

Finally, Yooa gave up on playing and decided to go home. We walked to the exit of the game store.

"Wooh! That was fun!" I said smilling happily while recalling the enjoyment I felt.

"Really?" Yooa asked as she stopped walking and just stared at me.

"Yup! Didn't you enjoy playing?" I asked back trying to read her straight face.

"I did. Because finally I was able to bring back the smile on your face"

--End of Chapter 6--

Hi! I want to thank you again because "Guarded" reached rank #47! WHOAA!! that's so much!

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