Chapter 17

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-Sammy's POV-

I wake up the next morning to Nivea sighing. I furrow my eyebrows, but turn around to face her. She looks at me and smiles.

"Did I wake you?" 

"Are you alright?" I ask.

"Derek blew my phone up all night after we fell asleep. I did not even remember falling asleep in here, but I do not mind." She says looking at her phone screen.

I put my hand on her stomach where there's a small but visible baby bump. I rub it while she keeps scrolling through her phone.

"What did he say or want?" I ask.

"I've wanted to talk to you but I'm not ready to yet. " 

"I do not blame you. Given the recent past events that have taken place the past few days I would not want to talk to him either, or really anyone for the matter except the ones that have been there." I say She looks back down at me and smiles again.

"I might go though, to get my stuff, and to get some closure with certain things. If I want to be in the kids' lives I will not stop him, but I just do not want to date him anymore, especially after all of this shit. "I mean there's so much going on all at once, and it's just too much for me. She says.

"But if you're not ready See then maybe you should not."

"You see Sammy, I'm never going to be ready to speak with Derek, but I have to eventually." She says crawling out of bed and walking to the bathroom. 

-Nivea's POV-

After my shower, and having breakfast with Sammy I decided that I would meet Derek at the house so that we could talk a little bit and then I could get some more of my stuff. 

"Be careful okay. Please." Sammy says as I grab my keys to my car.

"Sammy, I might say some things, but he's not going to hurt me. I know Derek better than that." I say hugging him.

"I know I'm just super worried about you." He says locking our lips. I kiss back but after that I leave. I was definitely taken by surprise but clearly I liked it because I never stopped him or pulled away.

I mean Sammy has seen me naked for Gods sake. I get into my car, turn it on, blast some music and start my drive over to Derek's house. When I stop at a stoplight I get a text from Ana

Ana-Hey love can you stop by the gas station for me? I'll pay you back. 

Vea-Of course. Whatcha need? 

Ana-A test and some candy. Skate said he needs some chips, and a soda. 

Vea-Alright. Wait a pregnancy test?

Ana-Yeah....I'm late again..This time I am having all the symptoms. Skate knows and he's like highkey hoping I am.

Vea-Alright, yeah I will grab you one.

Ana-Sweet thanks babe. I owe you one. Love you.

Vea-I love you too boo.

As I put my phone down the light turns green so I go and try to find a decent gas station. When I do I pull in, then walk in. I get the things Skate and Ana needed, pay for them and get back onto my journey.

After about 30 minutes I make it to Derek's finally. I grab Ana's stuff then walk to the door. Instead of walking through the door I actually knock because I no longer live here. Ana answers and takes the bag then quickly disappears.

Skate laughs with me and wraps me in a hug. "I miss you kid." He says.

"Skate you saw me yesterday. You know I'm not really that far away from you." I chuckle.

"I know but it's not like we get to see each other all day everyday anymore because you moved. I know why you did and I am not mad at you, I'm not even blaming you. I just miss us all being together. You know before fame and shit. Like don't get me wrong I don't hate what we have, I just hate how it's ending. I really miss the three of us." He says looking at the floor.

I sigh but hug him again. "Like I said I'm still here. Things just are a little messed up that's all." I say. He nods and he escorts me to the kitchen. Derek is sitting there playing on his phone.

"I'll leave you two alone." Skate says kissing my cheek and disappearing. 

"I'm really sorry for ever hurting you Nivea. I love you I really do and I don't know why I'm acting like this. I know it's probably too late to get you back, but I won't stop fighting. I will push Lele to the curb if I have to. She's not the girl for me Nivea, and all I ask is to let me prove to you that I can do better. I won't ever do something this horrible again. We both love each other more than anything in the world and now we are adding two more people to that." Derek says. 

"We can talk Derek. I don't want to fight with you any longer, I do not want to deal with this stress anymore. I almost lost the babies due to it, but there's so much that has to be worked through, before I can ever even think of giving you a second chance." I say.

"I'll do anything Nivea. Just please. I want to be in your life and the twins' lives." 

"Then you shall be." I say. He hugs me.

"So now what?"

"We talk. We work through this as best we can, but I will stay with Sammy until I decide that we are actually getting somewhere. Got it? And you will host a party this weekend, with all of our friends. In front of them you will tell Lele you want nothing to do with her anymore, because we are trying to work through things, and if she ever comes between us again I swear I will never speak to you again. I won't take the twins from you, but you are going to be a real man about this Derek James Luh. I mean it." I say sternly.

"I'll do anything for you Princess. I just miss you." 

"I miss you too." 

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