Chapter 16

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"Yes Sammy I am having twins." I say.

"You're telling Derek right?" 

"Obviously. He is the dad of the twins. Plus everyone wants to see the ultrasounds." I say.

"I'm just making sure love. Anyways, how they looking Doc?" Sammy asks Dr. Zurita.

"Pretty good. They are healthy. Would you like to know the genders?" He asks me.

"Yes please." 

"Looks like you're having a boy and a girl. So Fraternal twins right off the bat." 

"That's amazing." I say. He prints the ultrasounds for us and puts them in a small envelope. I wipe the gel off my stomach then talk with Dr. Zurita for a few about my next appointment.

"Also Ms. Williams I want you to be on bed rest as much as possible. Stay off your feet as much as possible, I can even write you a Drs. note for your boss." He says. 

"Sure thing Doc." I say. He writes a note for me then Sammy and I walk out. I schedule my next appointment at the front desk for a month from now. 

Once that is taken care of we head back to show everyone the babies. I get a little nervous. I don't know how I feel about being pregnant, or being a single mother of two babies instead of one.

Things are going to be weird and very difficult. I miss Derek alot, but I can't forgive him for the things he has done to me. I am just too hurt by it all, but I really want him to be my boyfriend. He is the love of my life, and I can't stress enough to everyone how much I truly love him.

I know I have been lacking alot of things lately, because I am pregnant. I can't do much anymore. 

I just know things are never going to be the same again, and I don't think that Derek and I will get back together, but then again we just might. There could be a fighting chance for us, and this could just be a shitty rough patch we have reached in our lives, but who knows right? Only time will tell on this one.

"Well we're home." Sammy says parking the car and shutting it off. 


"Are you ready for this sweetie?" 

"I think so." I say getting out of the car. Sammy walks me to the door, and opens it for me. I step inside where I hear everyone talking.

One specific voice catches me off guard. "Do you really think Nivea is pregnant? Like what if she is just saying shit, and Sammy is covering for her?" I hear JJ ask.

"I doubt that. I mean Nivea has no reason to lie." Jack says. 

"What if she is though? Like this could be a trap to get attention and get Derek back, since the whole suicide thing has never worked." Stassie says.

"I doubt that too. She was pretty tore up over the whole situation." Skate says.

"Think about it though guys. Every time shit turned bad she tried taking her life because nobody was paying attention to her, then this stuff happens right? And all of a sudden she's pregnant now?" I hear Stassie say again. I sigh and look at Sammy who gives me a look. 

"Go say something. Don't hold back. I got your back." I nod and walk into the kitchen with the envelope of the ultrasounds. Sammy is trudging behind me knowing hell is about to break loose and its on everyone not just one or two people this time.

"All have you fucking know Stassie, I never attempted suicide for attention when shit got hard. Clearly you don't listen or pay attention to what has been going on in my life. Okay I'm so fucking sorry that I'm not little Miss Plastic Perfect Barbie like you. I'm so sorry that I don't live up to your standards of what the hell ever it might be, and it's very obvious you don't know what it's like to go through the shit I have in my life. You're supposed to be my friend, not a backstabbing bitch. Guess I was wrong for thinking that you could ever be my friend. I am literally freaking the fuck out over the fact that I am about to become a parent. A SINGLE PARENT TO BE EXACT!! Not only of one but TWO children!! So I suggest you keep your fucking trap shut. Oh and for those of you that agreed with Stassie, feel free to erase yourself from mine and my unborn children's lives. By the way here's the fucking so called fake ultrasounds. And to those of you who stood up for me thank you. I really hope you continue to do so. I will not be a victim to your fucking bullshit anymore. I am NOT going to allow you to be two faced and bully me. Hell no, and if you think for one God damn second you can keep pushing this little bitch around you are so poorly mistaken. I will no longer slave to your standards and allow you to say this shit. I am deleting every single toxic person in my life. Starting with you Stassie. And as long as I live here with Sammy you will no longer be allowed here. Got it?" I say. 

"Sammy tell her that you won't allow her to do that. This isn't her house. She doesn't have a say." Stassie whines.

"Actually, she does live here, so yes she does get a say. So if you wouldn't mind Stassie, please remove yourself from our home." Sammy says wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "My best friend and I are returning to the upstairs to watch movies. Those of you that are still wanting to be in her life, feel free to get some food and chill in the living room or basement. Don't trash the house." 

With that Sammy and I disappear upstairs and watch movies in his room all night.

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