Chapter 3

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"Good morning guys!" I say smiling at the two people I love sitting in the kitchen. 

"Good morning smiley. What are you so cheery about?" Skate asks. I shrug. 

"I have reasons." I smile. "Where's Derek?" 

"He's not here?" Ana asks.

"He wasn't in bed or in the shower. I texted him but he left his phone on the bedside table. His shoes are gone and so was the car so I assumed he went to the studio." I say looking at them.

"Yeah but he always tells us, leaves a note or something and he always takes his phone." Skate says. I shrug. 

"I'm not worried, Derek is a grown man. He might just be mad at me still. After you know last week?" I say looking down at the floor sadly.

"I already told you I'm not mad at you love. I just fear for you." I hear Derek say from behind me. I look up quickly and turn around to see him standing there, he is dressed nicely and has a huge smile on his face with a bouquet of roses. 

"Derek I thought you were at the studio." I say.

"I was but decided to come home so I could see you off before your first day back to work." He says walking up to me and kissing me slowly. 

"These are beautiful." I say as he places the roses in my hand.

"A dozen roses. When the last rose dies is when my love for you dies." He says. I furrow my eyebrows and see a fake rose. 

"Derek, this Rose is fake...Fake roses can't die." I say. 

"That's the point babygirl. My love will never die." He says kissing me again. Cheesy fucker. I love him though.

"You're one cheesy fuck, but I love you for it." I chuckle kissing him.

"Are you ready for work?" He asks. I nod smiling. 

"Yeah I am ready." I say. 

"Well then lets get you there." He says grabbing my bag. We say bye to Skate and Ana then he helps me into the car. 

We begin driving towards the agency. "I'll pick you up for lunch. And after work I want to take you out okay?" 

"Sounds great babe." I say kissing his hand. 

I love Derek more than anything. Pretty sure I've said that but it's true. I will never stop stressing it. I love him so much and I want to get married to him.

Derek is the light of my life, and I'm his. I know one thing for sure, we have a huge roller coaster ahead of us, and believe me when I say this. I'm ready. 

We pull up to the agency. Derek kisses me softly, then we say our goodbyes. I get out of the car and walk inside. Valary is standing there smiling widely.

"You came." She says.

"Of course I did. I love this job." I smile.

"That's the best thing I have heard all day. Alright, lets get you started." She says leading me to the elevator.

We ride up the elevator to the top floor. It's a penthouse.

 "Welcome to the full time model penthouse my dear. This is yours forever as long as you are here." She says.

I smile as she begins showing me around the penthouse that is mine until I say otherwise.

When you fight hard enough your dreams will come true. I have been working to become a model since I was 16 years old, now look at me. 

I could not be any prouder of myself than I am now, and I know my parents would be over the edge screaming happily about this.

I miss them more than anything, and after I lost them all I had left was Derek and Skate. They took me in. They have been my best friends since forever, which you guys already knew.

Anyways, I decide to take a look around then Val has me change. 

"Alright we are going to the end of the hall where the pictures will be taken. You will come back here each time to change and model whatever we have for you." She says.

"Fair enough." I smile. We walk to the end of the hall where a young man about 23 stands with a camera. 

He has brown eyes, is nearly 6 feet tall, blonde and black hair and tan skin. 

"Hello. I'm Ronin I will be your photographer when you model." He says. I smile. 

"Hi Ronin, I'm Nivea as you already know." I say. 

"Well I just want to say that you're in great hands. I'm not going to be like most photographers, and tell you how to pose. I like it if the pictures are more natural and comfortable for you, the only time I will tell you to do anything is if I have a suggestion, if it's time for you to change or if our session is up for the day. Other than that I rather you be yourself. Shall we?"

"We shall." I smile. We begin the photoshoot. 

After about 5 hours of non-stop modeling Ronin decides that it's time to call it a day. I change back into my clothes then text Derek. 

N-Hey babe. I'm off.

D-Call an Uber I had to come to the studio for an emergency.

N-Oh..Okay. Is everything alright?

D-I don't know. I'll call you later. 

N-Love you.

Read 4pm.

I sigh rolling my eyes as I begin to call an Uber.

"Nivea? What are you doing out here?" Ronin asks.

"I have to call an Uber, because apparently my boyfriend had an emergency at the studio and can't pick me up like he was supposed too." I say looking at my phone.

"I can give you a ride home if you want? So you don't have to spend any money." 

"That would be great! Thank you so much." I say.

"My pleasure. Follow me." He says. I walk with him to his car when we reach a Silver Lambo. 

"Like it?" He asks opening my door for me.

"Hell yes. I have a BMW M2 and an Audi. I love them both but this is amazing!" I smile.

"It is. This car is my life. Maybe one of these days I will let you drive it." He says. I chuckle. 

"That would be cool as hell." 

We both get in the car and I tell him my address then he drives me home. Derek, Skate, Ana and 2 others are on the porch drinking and talking. The strangers look familiar but I can't figure out who they are since their backs are turned to me.

"Thank you Ronin for the ride I really appreciate it." I say smiling.

"Anytime. See you in a couple days." He smiles letting me out of the car. He leaves then I walk up to the door where everyone is staring at me. 

The other 2 don't dare turn around because once I reach them I know exactly who it is.

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