Chapter 10

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-Ana's POV-

"Derek what the fuck bro? Are you stupid?!" I hear Skate yell through the house. 

"What dude?" 

"You seriously made a promise to Nivea and you broke it. You fucking chose your ex over your girlfriend. The one who you love more than anything, the one who has been there for you through everything. You let her leave here and go elsewhere. Derek, I really do not know what has gotten into you recently, but this is not you man. The Derek I know would never do this bullshit, and he sure in the fuck would never ever let the woman in his life, the love of his life, walk away from him like this. Whoever this Derek is, I don't like him. Who are you and what have you done with my brother?" Skate says. 

"I haven't changed. I just realized that Nivea is a headcase I can no longer handle emotionally. I love her I really do but she got boring. Lele is fun and is always wanting to do stuff." 

"Are you fucking kidding me right now? Derek James Luh how fucking idiotic do you have to be. Are you on drugs again? Because the Derek I know would never say that about Nivea. EVER. He would kill anyone who said anything like that. Seriously, like what the fuck has gotten into you?" I ask. At this point Skate and I are both seething.

"Get out of my house now." Derek says walking up the stairs to his room with Lele attached to his hip.

"There is seriously something going on here, and if we don't figure it out now, Nivea and Derek are going to absolutely destroy themselves. Especially Derek." Skate says to me.

"I agree. Let's go grab a couple overnight bags, and we can go stay at my old apartment that Lele and I used to live in. We can live there and figure all this shit out." I say. He nods and we both make our way to our room to pack some clothes. 

We grab our car keys and drive our cars over to the old apartment. When we walk in everything is still the way I left it. Nice, clean and organized. I lead Skate to the bedroom where we both lay down to get some rest before turning into FBI Agents in the morning.

Derek and Nivea have so much history I can't just sit here and watch them let it waste away over Derek wanting to be a fucking idiot. He has evidently relapsed, and let his ex get into his brain. The love of his life literally walked away from him because of this. She was just as hurt as he was if not more, and now look at her, she's dealing with more pain. From Derek this time. Who just so happens to be the love of her life too.

I couldn't imagine the pain they are feeling right now. It truly breaks my heart that I am watching two of my friends hurt like hell over a human being who has no business even being around them. 

"Ma, you're thinking again. Cuddle with me, and get some rest. Our brains need rest. We got alot of work to do." Skate says causing me to jump out of my thoughts. 

"Alright." I say.

"I love you." 

"I love you more Papi." I say as he wraps his arms around me, and with that we call it a night. 

-Derek's POV-

"Harder Derek." Lele moans. I thrust harder into her as she loudly moans my name. 

"You like that baby?" I ask. 

"Mhm." After we both cum Lele hands me a bottle of pills.

"You're coming down." She says. I nod and take more to stay high. The feeling of this is amazing.

"So what does this make us? Just fuck buddies?" Lele asks.

"We can be whatever you want baby." I say to her kissing her pretty lips.

"It's official you're my man and I am your girl." 

"Sounds amazing." I say.

"I missed you Derek." 

"I missed you too, Lele." 

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