Chapter 55

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"I found a job at Ms. Flora's salon. You know, the one over there by daddy's old house." Trice told her mother as she walked into the house.

"That's nice." Shirley sat at her kitchen table, reading the newspaper.

"Where's Brice?" Trice asked.

"In his bedroom, probably playing that darn video game you got him." She answered, still not looking up.

"Let me go check on him." Trice headed out the kitchen and down the hallway.

Just as she entered her son's bedroom, her cell phone rang and it was Brent.

"Brice," Trice called her son's name to get his attention, "your dad is calling." She put the phone in his face and he grabbed it, pausing his game.

"Hey, dad." Brice answered the phone. "I'm good. Just playing my video game." He paused. "Yes, I did my homework."

Trice towered over her son, listening to his responses, easily making out what Brent was saying to Brice.

"Yes, she's right here." He continued to respond. "You're here?" He sat up to his knees with excitement, finally looking up to his mother. "Mama, daddy's here!" He got up quickly ran out the room.

Trice followed, except at a fast pace.

"Boy stop runnin in this house!" She heard her mother fuss as Brice.

Making it out the door, Trice paused when she saw Brent standing by his car. She watched her son cling on to his father.

Brent picked Brice up and then his eyes landed on Trice.

"Back so soon." Trice stepped off the porch, still keeping her distance.

"How are you?" He asked.

"I'm fine. Just got a job today. Start tomorrow." She said.

"So you're here for good?" He asked.

She nodded her head, just staring at him.

"Me too. I bought a house for us, not too far from here." He said.

She sighed. "Brent..." she didn't know what to say first.

"I know you're here with your mom and I know you and I aren't on the best terms right now, but I want to make this work. No matter what's going on, I still want you by my side. I want us to be together. Me, you, and Brice." He put his down. "What do you think about coming to live with daddy?" He asked his son.

"What about mommy?" He asked.

"Mommy can come too." Brent answered.

"Brent..." her head was tilted to the side. "You're making everything seem like it's easy to do."

"If you need time to really think about it, then I understand. I'll still be here and whenever you're ready, I'm still gonna be here."

"And what about your family back in Tennessee?" She asked, folding her arms.

"I already told them that I was moving. I will go back to see my kids, but that's it." He said. "My life is here now, with you and Brice."

"What about this whole thing with Kayla?" She asked.

"She and I will work to pay you that money back. Mainly me because my daughter was in a very bad situation." He explained.

"I don't know Brent." She look away into the street.

"Listen, if you need time, I understand. I'm willing to give you all the time that you need."

Suddenly a familiar car pulls up in front of the house. Trice's heart dropped when she saw Drew get out the car.

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