Chapter 21

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"Zach, wait for me." Angel called out to her son.

"Mommy, we're gonna be late for school." He ran to the doors of his school.

"Sweetheart, it's just orientation. You don't have a class or anything. They're just gonna tell the parents about the upcoming information for your grade level." He waited by the door as she approached the doors.

"No class?" He questioned.

"No, but you do get to meet your teachers."

"I guess that's exciting." He said with a little disappointment.

She chuckled. Walking into the building, she went into the cafeteria where they held a general meeting for the parents and students. When the meeting was over, the parents got to meet their children's teacher.

Angel and Zach were walking down the hallway.

"We're looking for room, four oh four. It's your art class. Teacher's name is A. Robinson."

"My teacher has the same last name as me? Are we related."

"Robinson is a common name sweetheart, so I doubt it." Angel answered.

They arrived to room four oh four and walked in.

"Alex!" Zach ran to Alex when he saw her.

Angel's eyes followed to where he'd ran to and who it was. "Alex" She was surprised to see Alex.

"Hi!" Alex gave her a hug.

"What are you doing here?" Angel asked.

"I work here." Alex answered. "This is my classroom." She grinned.

Angel glanced at Zach's schedule and read the name under the art teacher. "Ohhh A. Robinson! Wow! I'm so slow." She laughed, tapping her hand, lightly on her head.

Alex laughed.

"When did you start working here?" Angel asked.

"Just started this summer. They needed a new art teacher and ya girl fit the description perfectly." Alex.

"That's great." Angel acknowledged. "I guess I'll be seeing more of you then, this one here is real active in school." She gestured to Zach.

"I guess so." Alex said. "I've been meaning to tell you that my kids are moving to Cali with their dad and wanted to do something for them."

"We can have a dinner at the house or something. I bet you're gonna miss them." Alex suggested.

"Of course, I'm gonna mss them. Those are my babies, but they love being with their daddy and Mya, and I can't stop that. They'll be with me until they move, so I'm gonna be so busy spoiling my kids for the rest of the month.

"Awe. We can definitely throw a party." Alex said.

"I'll call you later and we'll come up with something." Angel said.

"Mom, where's my teacher?" Zach asked.

"Alex is your teacher."

He stared at Alex with wide eyes, gasping. "Really?"

"Yes," Alex smiled.

"And when you're in her class, you must refer to her as Mrs. Robinson." Angel said. "For a second I felt like I was talking about myself."

"Isn't it crazy? You'll get used to it, Mrs. Robinson." Alex giggled.

Before Angel took a step to walk away, she turned to Alex. "Hey, I'm gonna plan a little get-together at the house and I was hoping that I could have your help." Angel requested.

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