Chapter 48

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"How could you be so clever and set up a scheme like this against your own husband?" Candy asked Gloria.

"Because he'll know better than to cross me like this again."

Candy let out a laugh of disbelief. "Usually the wife goes after the other woman."

"I'm a different breed. You didn't do anything wrong because you had no clue. This all falls on him and he's gonna pay." Gloria leaned back in her chair.

Candy was nervous about meeting up with Gloria, but she wanted revenge on Sean. She wanted him to pay for hurting her in the way that he did.

"How do we know it's gonna work? He's been caught, so do you think he'll cheat on you again?" Candy asked.

"That's what we need to find out." Gloria sat back in her chair. If he goes through and cheat, then I'm definitely done with him."

"This is all crazy. He had all this going on for so long. Who does that?"

"I'm sorry about this. I really am."

Candy's eyes swelled with tears. She wasn't going to let the tears fall. There was no way she was breaking down in front of Gloria.

There was silence between them as Candy got herself together.

"Can I ask you something?" Gloria spoke.

Candy looked at her, giving Gloria her undivided attention, but bit saying a word.

"Why'd you abort your baby?" She asked.

Candy inhaled and deeply released the breath. "I didn't want to be stuck raising a baby alone. If he walked away from me at that moment, then he wasn't going to put in the effort of being a father."

Gloria sat with open ears and listened.

"My mother raised three children on her own because my dad left after I was born. I don't have that courage nor that strength to do that. I refuse to do it."

"It's amazing how much damage a man can do to a woman and him not even know." Gloria commented. "I never imagine my husband would do this." She shook her head, staring into space.

Candy didn't say a word. She wasn't sure what to say to Sean's wife.

"Well, I have a client coming in on about thirty minutes." Gloria stood from her chair. "I have everything set about for tonight, so stay close to your phone." She instructed with a smile.

"Okay," Candy stood, clutching her purse.

When she left she was nervous. Her body was shaking inside, but she couldn't understand why. Something in her gut told her that Gloria wasn't going to have any mercy when it came to getting revenge on Sean.

Candy wasn't sure exactly what Gloria had planned, she only gave a brief explanation of what she was going to do.

Making it home, Candy was ready to leave New Orleans once and for all and move back to Atlanta. She loves her family, but Atlanta is where she wants to be. Had she stayed there and never came back home, maybe she wouldn't be in this situation she's in now.

A phone call came through her cell phone. Picking it up and taking a seat on the sofa, she saw Angel's name displayed on the screen.

"Hey," she answered.

"Hi," Angel responded. "I just wanted to call and check on you. Everything's alright?" She asked.

"Yes, everything's fine." Candy simply answered. "What's up?"

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