Chapter 46

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Derrick and Angel sat in silence as they listened to the news they'd just received from Candy.

"I can't be here anymore so I'm just gonna go back to Atlanta." Candy said.

"Candy, running away from all this won't help you get through it. It'll just follow you." Angel stated.

"My life was more exciting when I was in Atlanta. I love being home with my family but I need to be away again."

Derrick sighed. "I want you to move and be happy wherever you want to go, but I don't think now is a good time for you to move."

"Why not? I need to get away from all of this." She claimed.

"Candy, we're all for you moving but you being alone in Atlanta without any family out there, something could go wrong." Angel explained. "We would hate for you to be so far from us if something happens."

"I'm not gonna do anything to myself again. I can assure you of that. I don't need to be here. I love you guys and if I need anything, then I'll give y'all a call." She promised.

Angel looked to Derrick for a response but she could tell that he wasn't okay with Candy leaving.

"Well, if you want to do that, then the only thing we can do is respect your wishes. We'd rather you stay here, but you believe you'll be happier there, and I want you happy and I'm sure your brother does too." She gave Derrick another look.

Candy looked to Derrick for approval but there was none. "I'll be gone by the end of next month."

"So this is something you're gonna do anyway whether we want you to go or not?" He questioned.

"It's not about what y'all want me to do. I just wanted to let y'all know."

"Just know, I'm not happy about this." He stood up and left the room.

Angel let out another sigh after awkwardly sitting in silence with Candy. "We just don't want you to go, but I'd rather see you happy again."

Candy gave a weak smile. "Thanks."

"If you need any help packing, I guess, or anything, just give me a call. I can probably talk your brother into something."

"I really appreciate that." Candy stood up and angel stood with her. "I'm gonna head out now."

"Give me a call later, okay?" Angel requested giving Candy a hug.

When Candy left, Angel found Derrick in his office on his desktop computer.

"Babe, you have to let her make this decision on her own. I know you don't want her to go, but if that's what she wants, let her do it. She's grown. If that's not the right decision, then she'll realize it and come back." Angel explained.

Drrrick kept his focus on his desktop.

"I wish you would say something back? You know I don't like being ignored."

He tilted his head, still not saying anything.

"Okay. I'm not leaving until you say something. Don't act like I'm the one that did something wrong because I didn't." She sat in the chair on the other side of his desk and folded her arms across her chest.

After a few silent moments, Derrick let out a breath. "That's my baby sister and I don't want her going through bullshit especially by herself."

"I get that you want to protect her but she is grown! You can't be mad at her. She's in a very bad head space and needs to get away."

"You're right but I don't want to accept that."

"I know you don't, but you have to."

Angel always manages to talk some sense into Derrick every now and then and he couldn't appreciate her any more for doing that.

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