Chapter 5

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Joy finished packing her bag for the week. According to her dad, it was time for her to stay with her mom for a week. She hated going to her mom's house because she never did anything over there. 

The entire car ride, she sat in the passenger seat with her arms folded and her face frowned.

"Your face should be hurting right now, as hard as you're frowning." Drew let out a chuckle. "It's only for a week and you need to spend more time with you mom."

"I guess." She mumbled, staring out the window.

"Enough of that attitude, too, lil girl. She apologized for not showing up to your competition, so stop holding that against her. She'll probably make up for that this week while you're with her." He said.

"Daddy, I hate going over there." She sucked her teeth.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because there's nothing to do over there. Mama always talking on the phone and she gives most of her attention to Brice."

"He's your brother."

"I know, but I don't even get to bond with him because of her, so I find no reason to go over there. I'd rather go to granny's house."

"Just go to your mom's for a week and suggest things for you guys to do." He said.

"Oh yeah, that'll work." Joy mumbled as she stared out the window.

Drew pulled into the driveway of their old house where LaTrice still lived and parked the car in the driveway, but LaTrice's car wasn' there. He looked at Joy, whose face showed no exciement. "Do you have you house key?" He asked.


Drew picked his cell phone up from the cup holder and called LaTrice. There was no answer, so he tried again. Still no answer. "Call your mom for me." He said. "See if she'll answer your call."

Joy took her time, looking for her's mother's name and then called her. There was no answer. "She didn't answer." Joy said to her father, a bit annoyed.

Drew let out a disappointed sigh. After they sat in the driveway for a few minutes, LaTrice called him back. 

"Trice, where are you?" he asked.

"I'm on my way home now. I didn't realize my hair appointment was the same time you were dropping her off. Does she have her key?" She asked.

"No. How far are you?" He asked. "We'll just wait."

"Okay. Give me about fifteen to twenty minutes." She said. "I'll be there."

After ending the call with LaTrice, Drew and Joy sat in the car for over an hour, waiting on LaTrice. He was exteremly frustrated with her. 

"I'm so sorry I took so long." she said as she got out the car and Brice was getting out of the back seat.

Joy and Drew both go out of his car and walked to the porch. Neither of them said a word to LaTrice.

"We had to make a stop." She added as she walked to the front door to unlock it. 

"Why didn't you just call us to let us know?" He questioned. "Instead of having us wait this long. I started to leave." He glanced at Brice, who just ran passed him. Drew didn't not like seeing Brice, he just hated how much he looked like his dad. 

 Joy walked into the house, through the living room and up the stairs to her bedroom. To her, Drew didn't understand how much she hated going to her mom's house.

"Did you need me to pick her up next week or were you going to drop her off at my house?" He asked.

"You can pick her up. I'd rather you do that." She answered. "Did you want something to eat or drink?" She asked. "Seems like Allison ain't been feeding you." She commented.

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