Chapter 16

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Drew stopped by Shirley's house to visit her.

"Where's that wife of yours?" She asked.

"She's at her studio. She's either working on something new or working with someone new." He answered. 

"That girl stays into her work." Shirley commented.

"It keeps her sane. She's been feeling some stress. I plan to take her out this evening."

"That's nice of you." She commented. "That's really sweet. Where are you taking her?" She asked.

"To a play at the theatre downtown. She wanted to see that play that they're presenting so I got us tickets. She doesn't know that but she'll find out once she gets home." He grinned.

"How's Joy?" She asked.

"Joy will be staying with her mother for a little while." He answered. 

"Oh really?" 

"Yep." He nodded. "She's going through this phase right now and she needs to be around Trice more."

"I don't know what's up with that girl there." Shirley sighed.

"Me either. I just wish they had a better relationship. Trice never wants to spend time with Joy. That's her only daughter, her oldest child. How could she not want to be around her?"

"SHe's hooked on that damn man."

Drew shook his head at the thought.

"I stay out of her business. I'm just concerned about my daughter."

"I'm concerned about mine and yours." She added.

"Is there something you can do to help?" He asked. "I wouldn't ask for you to keep Joy because you don't need to be dealing with a teenager."

"Oh no." Shirley shook her head.

Drew laughed. "What did I just say?"

"I'm just making sure you know how I would feel about that anyway."

He laughed. "How are you anyway?" He asked.

"I'm fine. Living one day at a time. I can't complain."

"We should take you out. Alex and I."

"Take me it where? Y'all don't need to be dragging no old lady around with y'all."

"Awe come on, ma. We could take you to see a movie and have dinner afterwards."

"I don't want to be sitting in a big one dark room with a loud screen. Dinner is just fine. Or I can cook dinner and you two come on by."

"You don't have to cook for us. That's why we're going out."

"Y'all eat out too much for me."

He chuckled. "We do not."

"Every time I talk to you, you're always saying something about y'all going out to eat."

"But we don't talk everyday. Alex and I don't eat out everyday. We cook at home most of the time." He responded. "Just go out to dinner with us, woman." He said with a laugh.


"Besides, it's been a while since you seen Alex."

"How is she?" She asked.

"She's good."

"I just love the man that you have become since you've been with her." She commented. "I know she wants some kids with your handsome self."

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