So Fixated on the Girl with the Soft Sound

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Her hands are soft on every nerve of his body and he can feel the tilt of her lips on his skin before she admits, "I like when you beg, Matty." This causes a groan to emit from the back of his throat and he thinks she's whispering lyrics in his ears, the Spice Girls' song, "Baby, put it on, put it on - it's about putting a condom on, Matty," she says it like it's a huge secret she's not supposed to tell and Matty is utterly confused in the moment.

"Marcy - what?"

"It's about a condom," and the voice startles him because its not Marcy's voice at all.

Matty's eyes shoot open and George is knelt on the side of the cot, his face almost too close for comfort, smiling way too brightly and it's unnerving, really. "Are you pulling yourself off in your sleep, Matthew?"

"What the hell?" Matty mumbles blinking tiredly and admittedly, only now realizing his hands are in his pants and shit, "Shit."

"Naughty dream, Healy?" Matty is fairly sure it's Ross who's on the bunk above him, and it's confirmed when Matty looks up to see Ross' head peaking down on him, hair mussed and cheeks turning red from being upside down.

Adam snorts from somewhere further down the bus, "What are you mate, thirteen?"

Matty glares, very aware of them all suddenly ganging up on him. He considers finishing himself off just to spite them, to prove a point or something, seeing as he still has yet to pull his hand out of his boxers, but he thinks better of it, suddenly going rather limp in their presence

"Fuck off, you twa-" Ross' tosses his pillow onto Matty's face, cutting him off and George gets up from his position and heads to where Adam is.

Matty groans and grabs the pillow stuffing his face and yelling into it.

"Was it the girl who has a boyfriend?"

He's quiet for a bit and Ross worries that he's just killed himself, but finally he pushes the pillow off his face and properly looks at his band mate who's still facing him upside down "She broke up with him." And it's not him denying Ross' inquiry at all.

"You're awfully fixated with her," he points out before disappearing back into his bunk and yes, Matty supposes he is.

Five minutes later Matty yells out, "Why was Spice Girls playing?"

"Why is Spice Girls not always playing?" George replies and okay, point taken.

Matty searches for his phone, almost startled by his lock screen because he doesn't really remember that, but it's definitely a nice sight to wake up to. So, Marcy isn't currently next to him rocking one of his old button downs but she's somewhere else still wearing his name on her chest and he takes pride in that.

He checks twitter and posts a picture of George and Adam on Instagram before checking over texts he's gotten. There's one from his mom, his brother, a model he partied with ages ago, someone from Radio One and a pop star he's currently writing a song for, and while Matty appreciates and even cares that he's receiving any texts at all, none of them are from a certain green eyed minx and he wonders if he's not only getting fixated but getting clingy as well.

Though, he doesn't really care for the answer either way; he's already pressing the call button on her name that he's found in his most recent contacts list. He thinks it'll go to voicemail but she picks up last second, her voice groggy and full of sleep, he had forgotten to check the time differences. Hell, he's not even sure where he is at the moment. "Did I wake you?"

"Hmm? No. Well," she stifles a yawn when she amends "yeah, but I was only taking a nap." Marcy groans over the line and Matty thinks she's stretching right about now.

That 000000 & ffffff || Matty Healy Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu