A Fight Leads To You Leaving

Start from the beginning

It was time to finally leave and get on your plane to Cannes. You were excited to have me time & forget all your troubles.

It's day number 2 since you been in Cannes and Niall was calling you nonstop. You decided to ignore his calls. It was only day 2 and you were really thinking about your relationship with Niall. You thought about how did you get to this point. Why are you in Cannes alone? Why are you fighting with Niall? What is going on with Niall? Are you a bad girlfriend? Should you have stayed? All but 1 question had answers to them. Something is really going on with Niall & honestly it might not have nothing to do with you. He's taking his anger out on you which is not good but Niall hasn't been the same lately if you thought about it. You have lately went the extra mile to make him happy which works but your not sure if it truly works.

The next morning you woke up to hear the knock on your door. It's just the guy who delivers the morning paper which you requested for. You like to read the paper with your morning tea. Sounds like an old lady but you can't help your dominate male upbringing it really rubs off. You put on your robe to cover up & you say hello to the gentleman who delivered the paper with a smile only to frown the next second to recognize Niall stood right behind him.

"What are you doing here & how did you find me" you say with sass. The gentleman leaves while Niall pushes you back towards the room with his hand on your waist. He leads you to the sitting area.

"How did you find me, I haven't told anyone I was here" you said again with sass

"Listen I will always find you, you wanted me to figure out where you were & come after you to bring you back to OUR house. But if you must know a fan spotted you & sent me a picture. I knew what hotel and floor you are on because I traced your card you thought I don't know about & I called here to get the floor number as your husband to be saying I was surprising my wife to be and they happily told me since they knew who i was. " Niall said "husband to be?" You questioned confused by what he was saying

"I know you don't ever have to want for nothing I know. I am a huge dick for treating you the way I did. I am extremely sorry for what I've done to you. I'm sorry I hurt you and I'm sorry for taking my anger out on you & from the bottom of my heart I am sorry. I love you because you make me the real man I am today. I am nothing without and I want you to come home. I don't want to live without you and I won't. Please give me a change to make it up to you, please.....forgive me princess your my everything" Niall pleads

"I will if you tell me what has gotten into you lately. I don't like what makes you angry & what ever it is making you like this is hurting us." You said

"Princess the day you left.....what got into me was fear. I'm really fearful about the future of my career. It's not looking to good right now. What I thought I would be doing until I physically can't has a ending date I feel in the coming year. & I'm angry about it......management has been up to shady shit.....the other lads....our relationships are on a very thin thread. There is a lot of things I'm scared about, it's a lot of uncertainty and I feel pressure, I'm scared I'm going to loose everything, the fans, the lads, the stage of making music & you I'm scared out of my brain right now...." Niall says breaking down finally opening up and telling you the truth. You clearly understand & my heart breaks for him because music is what Niall loves. If Your honest, if there are two things in life & Niall had to choose between you and music You honestly wouldn't make him choose. You would make sure he will have music because that's what he loves. Harry, Liam, Zayn, And Louis are the other loves of his life because they have changed him and helped him in so many ways & I know the thought of losing them breaks his heart.

"Baby everything is going to be ok. I know you are fearful right now but I can only encourage you to be hopefully & be positive throughout this situation. Right now you have to be that rock for the lads. You have to speak up & you have to bring them together. You have to encourage each other to mend relationships between each other. You have to remember to forgive. You guys have come so far. Yall succeeded because you guys care for each other & you stuck together. That's what y'all need to do. You will always have your family by yourside. I will always be by your side, I'm not letting you go anywhere because I love you more than anything in the world. You can't get rid of me easily. It doesn't matter if we fight as long as we remember we love each other & get back to that no matter what it takes we will be ok. & I forgive you ok. I love you & I'll always be by your side." You say sincerely he then kisses you with so much passion and intensity. You guys break away for a breather.

"Thank you. I'm so happy I have you, never leave me again ok & even if you try to I'll always find you" Niall said sincerely.

"But you really did have to commit a federal offense though just to find me.." You said
"Fuck yes, I was loosing it when I woke up the next morning, when you didn't come home at all the next day, I was calling everyone, nobody knew where you were. I went mad. Then you were ignoring me & then finally a fan DM me on twitter showing me a picture of you on the beach & asking if we broke up & I asked her where she is & she told me Cannes. I was so angry. I had Paul help me because I been knew about your card you never touch. Paul helped me trace you here. I don't give a fuck your my lady & I'll always run right back to you...don't do that no more," Niall says explaining to you how he felt about the situation & what he did to find you.

"Don't ever say again you will kick me out that was very disrespectful. If I leave like that again I'll never come back. I was really pissed about that." You said in all seriousness

"I love you & I'll never do that again ever, never again. I was a complete cunt for saying that shit. & again I'm sorry" Niall says assuring you that he will never do that again because he knows you will be done with him for real.

"Good as long as we understand each other" you said while sitting on his lap.

"Princess are you naked underneath this robe?" Niall asked curiously & changing the subject

"Pretty much why" you say simply
"Don't ever come to the door again in a robe naked. I didn't like how that bloke was looking at your legs. you fully dress yourself next time you hear me.....this all belongs to me" Niall says rubbing your legs

"Niall stop being jealous & I was appropriate" you say giggling because he was still touching your legs

"How about I start making it up to like I was saying early...& refresh your memory that your all mine & your not for anybody to admire.....yeah" Niall whispers in your ear then starting to plant kisses on your neck. You stand up from his lap so he can stop. But he stood up with you.

"So about this making it up to me thing..." You say & Niall unties the string to your robe only to reveal your full figure. The only article of clothing that was on you was a black g-string. Niall admired your body. He then whispers how he's going take care of you & your body tonight. He then scoops you up & takes you to the bedroom to fulfill every promise he made with pleasure.

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