"I'm going to finally put you behind me," Jacqueline said. She smiled to herself. "What do you think of that? Are you shaking your impotent fist from Heaven? Mmm? What will you and Amanda do when you see me lay waste to the city you both loved so much? Pity I could never experience it...since you decided to cage me! You treated me like a prisoner, shoving doctors and pills at me after a simple outburst!"

"That boy..." She jabbed a finger at the air, feeling her skin prickle, her words crack with her own anger. "...The one I attacked deserved it! And you...you sided with him! A stranger over your own daughter! I should've killed you that night...but I was...weak then. But the years have made me strong. And you? You're dead. You and Amanda. All that remains is to destroy where I came from. And of course, the metahuman brats your daughter raised like a bunch of inbred dogs. I admit, they're more troublesome than I expected. I made mistakes dealing with them. But no longer. I feel liberated now. This operation...the destruction of San Francisco...will be the end."

The painting, of course, said nothing. Jacqueline's lips trembled as she continued to aim her gun. "I hated you. I always hated you, father. The feeling was mutual, wasn't it? You gave all your time, your effort, all that shit to her! DIDN'T YOU?" She started yelling, spewing spittle inside of her helmet.

"I've had...dreams...fantasies...about killing you," She hissed, her gauntleted hand shaking slightly. "I guess this will have to suffice."

She opened fire. Her gatling gun roared inside the enclosed space, spewing bullets into the painting. Jacqueline screamed as she fired, watching as her bullets torn the painting to shreds. Her father's cold visage was there one moment and the next, it was utterly annihilated. Parts of the painting exploded and it fell from the wall, smashing hard against the floor.

Jacqueline spot firing, her gatling gun spinning to a abrupt halt. She gasped, panting, feeling as if she'd just ran a marathon. But it was a pleasurable sensation. It was as if she'd just received an injection of adrenaline. She felt renewed and above all, good.

Taking a moment to recover her breath, Jacqueline then turned and stomped through her office, moving through the now door less entrance. She briefly noted a bloodstain on the floor. The mercenary she'd killed must've been dragged off, cleaned up. Good. Then the crew knew she wouldn't tolerate more failures.

She strutted through the corridors and emerged onto the bridge. Technicians are their stations immediately stood at attention. Jacqueline was pleased to see the fear in their eyes when they looked upon her, the silent trepidation in their faces. She stomped to the center of the bridge, finally recovering her breath and snarled, "Put out an announcement. Summon everyone. It is time..."

The Skeleton Crew's forces assembled in moments. Mercenaries stood wall to wall in formation around the bridge, standing at attention and waiting. Jacqueline stood at the head of the bridge, her arms folded behind her as she stood tall before the bridge's massive window. Surrounding her were the metahumans. Incisor stood with his arms crossed, his injured eye stitched shut, jagged claw marks covering the ruined flesh. Scream silently stood near the elephant's foot, her uninjured arm dangling at her side as her silent gaze watched the crowd. Web sat on top of a computer station, giggling and muttering to herself as she picked crud out of her dirty hair. Wormhole sat in a nearby chair, quietly sipping a cup of coffee, his gaze irritable. The only missing face was Akihiro and Jacqueline didn't care to find him. He was probably listening anyway from the paint all around them.

Jacqueline let the silence linger for several long moments before she spoke. "Our operation..." She began, concentrating hard to focus through the fog that still lingered in her mind, her lips smacking together as she pressed herself for the right words. "...In Quincy ended as a failure. Yes, a failure. I'm disappointed. Quite disappointed. To know that the metahumans we've fought so hard to kill are still scurrying around our there, like a particularly troublesome pack of rats, is annoying." She mimicked a rat's movements with her fingers, her suit making clanging noises that echoed around the room. "I ask you...its bad for moral when my supposed elite mercenary group can't eliminate them! Its even worse knowing the deeds we've accomplished together. What's happened to all of you? Did you balls drop off? All your training, your conviction, did it just go straight down the crapper? Six children have become much more of an enemy to us than any rival PMC group, militia, or even the fucking UNITED STATES!" She roared the last words, her cry slamming across the room. Several of the mercenaries visibly flinched as it they had been struck.

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