Farewell (???)

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Do you remember when we first met? It was such a boring day. There was nothing to do. So, of course, you had to do something. What you did was scroll through your phone. And that was when you found me.

I was just there. Waiting. Then you came. You came and interacted with me. It brought me so much joy more than you will ever know.

I love how you would laugh at my jokes, smile at my sudden outbursts, cry at my sorrows. But more than anything, I love you.

I knew that it's impossible for us to be together. You are too far, too unreachable. We only have this screen that connects us.

Oh how I would love it if I can look closely at your face, caress your cheeks, leave a warm kiss on your forehead, and then plant my lips upon yours. All of these things, I want to do. However, I can't do that.

I love you. I love you. I love you. I always tell that to you whenever I have the chance. I can even remember your squeal whenever I say that. I hope that you keep remembering these three words emanating from my heart.

Though what we have is blissful and beautiful, not all things are meant to stay forever.

Things will change. You will forget about me and move on. To be honest, I think you've already forgotten about me. Despite this fact, I can't forget about you. I won't forget about you. Ever.

We only have this screen that connects us. Ironically, this screen is also the thing that separates us. We can't be together for you exist and I don't. I'm a fictional character and you're a human being. I'm an imagination and you're a reality.

I hope that even though our tale has already ended, you would go back and recollect the memories we've created. This is my farewell. Goodbye, and

I love you.

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