The Bossy Merman (Akashi Seijuro)

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Once upon a time, somewhere in the ocean lived a merman named Seijuro with red locks of hair and heterochromatic eyes that stares into your soul. He has a muscular built that makes the mermaids want to rape--- I mean marry him. But he only longed for a single person's affection. Me. Just kidding. Don't kill me, I'm just a narrator. Ehem. It's  _____.

She is a princess of a nearby kingdom. She is very beautiful that's why people also drool over her. But she does not take any liking to anyone. She just can't find the perfect one just for her.

One day. Seijuro is looking at _____ from a distance as she dance the night away inside an ark.

Seijuro was beyond fascinated at _____'s looks that he did not notice that it was already raining heavily and the people in the ark are panicking.

"So, Seijuro. What do you plan on doing, nanodayo?" Shintaro, the lobster, asked.

"Nothing. What do you expect me to do?" Seijuro answered, staring at ______ as she tries to save some people. When suddenly, she was thrown out the ocean.

"Well! At least you don't plan to save that princess over there? She's gonna drown, nanodayo."

That snapped Seijuro from his trance. He started to swim towards _____ with all his might. He caught her and settled her on the shore.

It was the first time Seijuro saw _____ up close. He was fascinated by her looks.

He sang quietly and caressed ____ hoping that she will wake up soon.

...._____ opened her eyes slightly.

"Who.. are you?" She mumbled, half unconcious.

"Shhh. Everything will be all right." Seijuro whispered.

______ mustered a small smile before falling asleep again.

"WE HAVE TO FIND THE PRINCESS! FAST!" Loud footsteps were heard.

Seijuro quickly crawled behind a nearby rock to hide.

"....._____?" It was a guy. He's handsome with his long blonde hair and ocean blue eyes but nothing can really compare to Seijuro's charisma (//shot)

"Princess..?" The guy called out, patting the Princess's shoulder lightly

"Five more minutes." she mumbled, slapping his hand away.

Seijuro snickered.

Good for you, he thought.

"PRINCESS ______!" The guy shouted.

"HOLY MACKEREL I DID NOT LET THE LOBSTER GO, I SWEAR!" she shouted, completely awake.

The guy chuckled.

"Eh?.. Mommy?" Seijuro smiled with the girl's attitude.

"No. It's Prince Raven from the Kingdom of the East."

"H-huh? You...You saved me?" The Princess asked.

"That is right." He flashed his sweetest smile that made the author go nuts (//shot).... but he lied anyway.

"I saved her!" Seijuro snarled. Good thing he doesn't have his scissors with him.

"Oh..I..I.. thanks."

"We need you in your kingdom as soon as possible. Let us go?" Prince Raven held out his hand which the Princess took. They took off, leaving Seijuro with a killing intent.

...."I need to be human. But how..."

There's only one way.


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