Generation of Mystic Messenger... What!?

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I just got your messages!

"We are the Teiko's Fundraising Association also known as TFA."

"Welcome to TFA, ____."


____ has entered the chatroom.

____: Good morning!

Ryouta ★: Ah! ____-chii! Good morning!

Blue: Sup, pancake.

____: Pancake?

Blue: Pancake tits.

Ryouta★: !?????

Ryouta★: lkaskjdsakljlsk

Ryouta★: aslkdjalkdjlakdjlkaj

Ryouta★: klsajdlkajdlkjdklsdjklas

Ryouta★: asdka

Ryouta★: You shouldn't say something so vulgar;;;

Blue: I'm the best so it's okay if it's me.

Blue: Hoe.

Ryouta★: ;;;; ____, he's bullying me!

____: Haha. Pancake tits, huh? : >

Ryouta★: ...

Blue: ... 

____: : )))))))))

Akashi Seijuro has entered the chatroom.

Blue: It's the corporate hoe again.

Seijuro: ____ is here.

Ryouta★: He ignored you, haha.

Blue: ...

Seijuro: Good morning.

____: Morning, Seijuro.

Seijuro: Have you eaten already?

____: Ya.

Ryouta★: Ya? lolololol

Seijuro: That's good to hear. You should always eat a well balanced meal.

Seijuro: Mhmm. I'm looking for Assistant Midorima.

Seijuro: Assistant Midorima.

Midorima Shintaro has entered the chatroom.

Ryouta★: ;;;; 

Ryouta★:  He did appear.

Shintaro: I'm here, Mr. Akashi.

Seijuro: Is everything ready for the party?

Shintaro: Yes. I've already organized everything, nanodayo.

Seijuro: Good. Have you written the 50,000-page article about Alexander the 7th?

Shintaro: Mr. Akashi... ;;;

Shintaro: I don't have time to do that.

Seijuro: I don't care. Just do it. You must be absolute if you're going to be my assistant.

Shintaro: I am already your assistant.

Seijuro: Your point being?

Shintaro: Go kill urself ^^

Shintaro: I mean I'll get to it.

Seijuro: I'll ignore what you just said.

Seijuro: You should also go to the event area before us to check for the technical equipment.

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