Chapter 25 - christmas again

Start from the beginning

After the Christmas cake and pudding, the boys stole me away into the hallway before I open my last present from Them.

I gasp as I open a tiny box with holes punched on top,

"Delivered last night especially for you, we know how ironic it is since you didn't like dragons at first then you started using your patronus more often which is a dragon so we thought why not have a dragon" Fred rambles, I pick up the mini dragon,

"It what they used in the goblet of fire to choose what dragon we were to fight" I smile, the dragons a dark blue with spikes all down it's back and a pointed tale.

"It's a boy we thought you'd name it" George strokes it's little head.

"Edger kingsworthy Weasley" I smile, I place the small dragon in a large cage the boys also got me before George takes me down into the kitchen.
"I hope you like the dragon, Charlie works with them and sent it down. He said it'll grow but not by much." Fred flashes me a smile as we watch my new pet settle in.

Molly and Arthur say goodbye to Remus and everyone else is upstairs so the kitchen is empty.

George spins me into him and places his hand on my waist, soft Christmas music plays whilst he slowly dances with me.

"You're so tall now" I smile as I look up at him, George nods and smiles back.

"And you're still small" he teases, I roll my eyes before he slowly turns me.

I move back slowly to him as we sway in time to the song.

George leans down to kiss me, just as our lips are about to meet, Fred walks in.

"Hope I'm interrupting something" he picks up a mince pie and bites into it.

"Don't you want your brother to have just one moment alone with his girlfriend?" I ask, Fred shrugs and wraps his arm around me.

"Maybe I might just steal her from him" he jokes, George leans against the kitchen counter as Fred kisses my cheek under the mistletoe.

"Mistletoe can be sweet but Mistletoe can also be a curse" I nudge him away and laugh then rejoin George.

Suddenly a large flame appears in the field, I pull out my wand and run outside. The circle of flame surrounds the burrow whilst death eaters appear.

Before I make it by the door, Bellatrix arrives.

Harry manages to sprint in front of me then I chase after Bella and him.

"Harry! No! Remus!" Arthur yells as Remus follows me.

"Cleo!" George has to be held back from chasing after me.

Only me and Harry make it out of the circle before it closes, I panic as realisation dawns on me.

Bellatrix can now get me.

There's no going back.

"I killed Sirius Black!" Bellatrix chants to wind Harry up, Sirius may have been my cousin but I rarely knew him.

When I sprint through the crops, a burning sensation stings my arm. I run into bellatrix, she grabs my arms and spins me around.

"Hello,cousin. It's time" she giggles, I feel a pair of large arms engulf me before someone disapperates with me.

I shake as they throw me onto the floor,

"Where am I?" I murmur, the man says nothing then leaves the room. Where am I? What a stupid question...

I know exactly where I am.

I sit in the dark dingy room until bellatrix opens the door.

"Well, cousin. Nice to see you again. You like to put up a fight don't you?" She walks towards me, I stand up and face her with fury inside me.

"If you dare touched the weasley family or Harry or hermione I swear I'll kill you" I threaten, bellatrix laughs and shakes her head.

"Not them but I think their happy little home might need fixing after that fire" she pouts , I slap her unfortunately before I can do any more damage two men hold me back then drag me through the door.

"He wishes to speak with you now" bellatrix warns me as I'm dragged past her.

A knot in my stomach twists, I'm about to come face to face with the dark lord.

3rd person POV

Back at the burrow, the weasleys watch their home burn down.

George and Fred run out into the fields when Harry returns only to tell them that Bellatrix has clementine.

George manages to find her wand, on the floor in the tall crops but that all they could find...

Clementines POV

They hold me still as I stand, the first thing I see is a dark long cloak then he turns to face me.

I look straight into his eyes showing I'm not entirely afraid of him. Of Voldemort.

He haunted my nightmares so much, that cold dark face no longer makes me weak.

"Clementine, or Cleo perhaps?" He circles me, I stay silent. "Speak to me!" He snaps,

"Cleo" I say what I'd prefer.

"Cleo, you understand why you've been brought here." The dark lord nods, he pulls out his wand and studies it.

"Yes, and I've got an answer! I never want to be a death eater, no matter what bellatrix says I am not the type!" I raise my voice, the dark lord grabs my arm swiftly and digs his nails into my skin.

"Is that why your arm itches for the mark? Is the reason why you've been avoiding sleeping because you're scared you'll like being one of my followers?" He twists his words,

"Stop it! My arm itches because...because...! You started the nightmares I don't how but I know you did! I know you're twisting your way into my head and I know your desperate to have that filthy mark on my skin" I hiss, Voldemort appears amused by my outburst.

"Perhaps my other followers will change your mind" he makes his way from the room with his slithering snake behind him.

I didn't even notice she was in the room. Suddenly bellatrix and a few others surround me.

I see Lucius, dracos father avoiding eye contact as he leaves the room.

I groan then all of a sudden a pain shoots through me, not one pain multiple. I collapse to my knees as Bellatrix uses The Cruciatus Curse on me. It feels like every pain that has ever endured smashed into one.

"Sweet little Cleo, this could all stop if you just give in" a man I haven't seen before assures me, I spit at him which causes bellatrix to make it worse. I hold myself up by holding one hand out to keep me from falling. I let out a couple cries and grunts in pain, I feel this or worst in my dreams. Therefor I can suffer large amounts of pain.

I finally let out a scream when I can't take it no more, tears roll down my cheeks while I fall on the floor.

I suffer like that for three hours straight, until the dark lord orders bellatrix to stop.

"You told me she was strong" he looks over at Bellatrix, she nods and looks at me.

"Yes,my lord" she places her wand behind her.

"If she's not to become a death eater then she will die, she will be able to decide in the morning" the dark lord explains, I close my eyes and bite my tongue.

I get escorted back into the dark cellar room before tossed onto the ground.

They shut the door leaving me in pitch black darkness, I search for my wand. I hiss, I must've dropped it at the burrow.

I curl myself into a ball, I'm so weak I couldn't cast a spell or charm right now.

I think of the burrow, of Molly and Arthur, of Ginny and Ron, of Fred and George, of home.

Fortunately I have enough power to disapperate just before they cast a spell so I couldn't.

I land in a small room where the Weasleys must be staying since they're home is destroyed.

"Cleo!" They all run towards me, that's all I remember before exhaustion strikes again.

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