As response my tail hit her face, “Bleh, my mouth was opened” she exclaimed stepping back. Chuckling at her “Does that answer your question?” I smirked. Scowling, she playfully punched me, which was still hard. “Ow, I don’t base my relationships on abuse you know” I teased, laughing she came closer and grabbed one of my gloved hands.

“May I?” she asked, I stiffly nodded hoping I don’t hurt her. She removed the glove and ran her hands over mine, this is the first time I’m actually touching her and I was loving every moment of it. She brought it up to cup her face while closing her eyes; I slowly started to caress her soft skin with my thumb, avoiding the deadly claw at the end.

She slowly opened her eyes to reveal the lust in them, soon enough mine started to change to, including the tension in the air. She reached out cupping my face, she moved forward to stand in front of me even though she was a couple of inches shorter; she went on her toes and planted a small, soft kiss.

I kissed her back, wrapping my now glove free hands around her waist pulling her closer. Being extra careful I slowly glided up on the inside of her top feeling her soft smooth skin. I was rewarded with a moan, causing me to ruin the sweet kiss; I deepened it and soon enough I gently pushed her on the bed and climbing on top of her.

She slid her hand under my shirt and pulled it off, roaming my abs and chest, causing me to shiver under her touch. I was getting hard only to be distracted by my wolf ‘bite her’ ‘no, not today, we just got together and I don’t want to ruin it’ I closed off the connection and concentrated on my mate, who was trailing kisses down my neck.

She started to lick the area where she would claim me as hers. I too, was finding the perfect spot for my mark, in view where all males know to back off and that she’s taken by me.

I felt my teeth lengthen, at the thought of claiming her and ruining my chance, if I didn’t stop now she would hate me forever for leaving her no choice but to stay with me because the mark means that you are bound for eternity. If you were to leave the most likely chance is that you and your mate will grow weak to the point of it being fatal.

I would never do that to her, so resisting the urge I forced my teeth back. Leah noticed I wasn’t responding and looked at me with concerned eyes. I really didn’t want to explain so I was completely grateful for Grams interrupting.

Putting my shirt back on, I notice the pout on Leah’s face. Kissing her pout I said “Later” remembering her words, she playfully shoved me out the door. We went downstairs to sit around the table where we ate like tomorrow because grams made too much food.  When we were seated grams asked Leah what she wants to do and all that stuff, I was intently paying attention. Turns out that Leah’s going to be an apprentice and work for her uncle in his job. “Hey what does your uncle do anyway?” I questioned so she knows I was paying attention.

“He runs the store ‘My World’” (no such thing as my world) My world just so happens to be the world’s first leading technology store, consisting of everything you want and need related to technology. “When you mean run the store as in he is the manager” I asked while taking a sip from my drink only to choke on Leah’s next words “No…he’s the CEO” she said calmly while patting my back.

So dinner passed and soon we as in Leah and I headed to the family room; grams said she was tired and left, giving me a discreet thumbs up, rolling my eyes at her I took my mate to the couch. We were getting comfortable, watching a movie but I was too busy watching Leah to pay any attention to the movie.

She finally had enough of me staring, “What” she asked annoyed. Chuckling I responded by entwining our hands together and saying the very question I’ve been wondering ever since I met her “How did I ever get a mate as beautiful as you.”

She blushed and laid her head on my shoulder “I could say the same thing to you.”


 Wednesday arrived and I was actually excited to go to school, all because of Leah who said that after school we should go for a run, by run I mean fooling around on the grass. I obviously agreed; anything to please my mate; so I quickly got dressed trying to speed up, hoping that this day would also go faster as well.

I was so excited that I skipped breakfast and drove to school; there I was hit by my mate’s scent. But I noticed something a bit off about it, her scent was like mixed with someone else’s scent; like they have been hanging around her for too long for my taste.

I followed it only to notice that is was familiar…very familiar. I caught up to Leah by her locker, noticing the annoyed look on her face, looking to the culprit I couldn’t believe that fate would drop this atomic bomb on my ass.

There standing near my mate was my second oldest brother Zack, the most likely brother to get the Alpha position. He had dark brown hair and muscled body like my dad with light brown eyes from my mother. Out of all my family members, Zack would hate me the most and vise versa.

I stood standing in the same spot, people moving around me, all giving me disgusted and annoyed looks, but I didn’t care; standing and flirting with MY MATE was my brother and I couldn’t even go up and protect her from him, due to the stupid secret thing I had to suggest.

Fuming I just stood there; Leah noticed something, turned around and gave me a small smile knowing full well about our deal. She closed her locker and walked to her first class, Zack didn’t follow at first because he noticed me standing there too-fuming. He smirked, winked and then walked away after Leah.


happy now i've kept my promise and also another cliff hanger

oooo wonder what's going to happen even i want to know 

Mutated Mate [it will be some point in my life, doubtfully]Where stories live. Discover now