~28~ The Bookkeeper's Secrets

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Lenesa knew it had been a bad idea to return to the city.

It was raining, as though even the weather was trying to convince her to turn back. Every step shook droplets of rain from her hood that splashed in her face, and mud had stained all along the hem of her dress. The only blessing that came from the bad weather was that by wearing several layers, Lenesa hadn't needed to cram herself into a suffocating corset to blend in with Patachal fashion styles. No one would be able to tell the difference in her dress, as long as she kept her cloak on.

She passed through the front gates of the city easily enough with a flash of her charmed-brown hair and an apologetic excuse that she'd lost track of time searching for blackberries along the outer path. The guards on this shift were familiar enough with her comings and goings that they merely shook their heads and muttered words of caution to her as she passed, mistaking her for a resident of the city. Lenesa merely gave a small smile and assured them it wouldn't happen again.

She pulled her hood low as she walked through the gates, careful to keep the fabric and her hair over the side of her face with the scar. There were some things even magic couldn't hide, and that telling feature was unfortunately one of them. It was only once she was safely past the security measures that she allowed herself a breath, loosening her tight grip on her travel basket and setting off down a familiar route, towards the bookstore.

It was growing late in the afternoon, and most shops would be closing up soon. The light at the bookstore still glowed welcomingly through its windows, however, and Lenesa's pace increased despite her attempts to tamp down her eagerness. Once she reached the front step, she set a gloved hand against the door for just a moment longer than needed, taking a small second to appreciate the familiar painted wood. The top hinge squeaked as it always did when she opened it, and then she was greeted with the smell of parchment and leather book bindings stacked on high shelves of oak and cedar. The door clicked shut softly behind her, though not soon enough to stop a final draft of wind slipping inside and ruffling the hems of Lenesa's sleeves.

A slow turn of a page crinkled from somewhere at the back of the store, and Lenesa followed after the sound, boots tapping softly against the floor. Soon, a desk came into view from between the shelves, and behind it, a man with a gray-streaked beard and round wire spectacles. He was so immersed in his reading that he didn't look up until Lenesa's shadow fell across his desk, at which point he looked up in surprise.

"Lenesa!" The book was cast on the desktop, forgotten, and the bookkeeper hurried to his feet. "I was starting to wonder about you. Why, I haven't seen you since the end of winter!"

Lenesa lowered her hood and gave an apologetic smile. "Life has been a bit...busy as of late," she explained.

The bookkeeper shook his head regretfully. "Still, to be gone almost an entire season...but perhaps it is best that you returned when you did." He trailed off and turned away down one of the aisles, as though wishing to drop the matter.

A knot of anticipation tightened in Lenesa's stomach, and she followed through the rows of books with measured steps. "Nothing has happened in my absence, has there?" she asked.

The bookkeeper glanced over his shoulder and gave a brief smile, though the warmth didn't quite reach his eyes. "Nothing terrible. A few broken bones and other ailments, but nothing too serious." He paused, as if considering his next words very carefully. "Although...there have been a few disappearances as of late, and it's put the townspeople on edge. It might be more difficult for you to pass in and out of the city, soon. The governor has been trying to organize an identification checkpoint. You'll need papers."

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