"Sadizabeth?" Bradley calls me. He was right, I really do hate that name, whether it was my given name or not.

"Yeah?" I mumble, looking at the small vial of prescription pills in my hand. I have about five more vials in my backpack. Dr Norris says I should take them once a day to clear my thoughts if they start getting fuzzy and incoherent.

I feel his warm hand tilt my chin up to meet his glowing eyes. The immediate tingles that follow as soon as he touches my skin, make me smile. "You're thinking pretty hard." He says, his smile matching my own.

"Oh yeah? And what makes you say that?" I tease, enjoying the feeling that his eyes on mine are creating.

"Well for one thing, you keep murmuring things like 'the perfect kiss' under your breath like every two seconds." His smile has transformed into a smirk at this point. I feel the heat spreading throughout my cheeks instantaneously, and I try to look away from his prying eyes, but his grip on my chin doesn't falter. So instead of looking into his eyes and seeing my own humiliation in them, I close them so I can at least preserve some of my dignity.

Bradley's hand moves from my chin, to my heated cheek. I almost sigh when he proceeds to stroke lightly. "Open your eyes love." He whispers, his breath fanning my face. I slowly open my eyes and am not surprised to find that his face is right next to mine.

His brown eyes shine brightly, and he begins to lean in. He is centimeters from my lips, when something flickers in his eyes. The same emotion that I saw in his eyes that day at the hospital, before he started saying all of those nice things about me.

Then before I know it, he's dropped his hands from my face and he has moved away from my awaiting lips. I look over at him for an explanation, and he doesn't meet my eyes as he gives his own version of an explanation. "Paparazzi," He says, scratching his head awkwardly. "They usually hang around here nowadays, ever since I started coming here to visit you."

I nod my head once, hoping that my nonchalant action masks the pain that I feel inside.

Paparazzi. It does make sense, after what he told me. He and Connor are in a popular band with two other guys, James and Tris, I believe he said they were called. The Vamps. It was weird because I remembered a band called The Vamps and all of their songs, but I just didn't remember who was in it. Well, until Bradley told me.

But then again, if we are in a relationship as Bradley claims, why is it such a problem for the paparazzi to see us kissing? Surely they should already know about us?

My thoughts are beginning to clog, and I contemplate taking another pill even though I've already taken one today.

I glance at Bradley for a brief second, because I feel his eyes on me. I almost ask him some of the questions that are on my mind, when I hear a honk coming from directly in front of us.

There is a tall, well-built guy sitting in the driver's seat. His dirty blonde hair is styled in an upward fashion and his light blue eyes look directly at us, as if waiting for something.

"Hello, you two? Are we going to leave soon?" He teases in a deep voice. His pink lips form an amused smile as he waits for us to get into his car.

"Well James, we're not going to just stand here, are we?" Bradley teases, giving his friend and bandmate a grin.

We both pile into James' car; I get into the backseat and let him go into the passenger seat to avoid any conversation.

I slump back in my seat quietly as Bradley gives James directions to a house, I assume.

Before I know it, we're in front of a moderately big, white house. I assume it's my house, because where else would he take me to? Without saying a word to Bradley, I step out of the car. I walk towards the driver's door and give James a grateful look. "Thank you." I whisper to him, managing to give a small smile. I purposefully ignore Bradley's presence because his rejection is still stinging me.

Unprecedented | Bradley SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now