Chapter 2 - New Job - Part 1.

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First, a little bit about me.

Well, my name is Jesse Williams, I'm eighteen years old, I'm a lesbian and you could same I'm a 'tom boy' by the way I dress. I may have the body of a model but I don't like showing my body to just any old random stranger. I came out as gay when I was fourteen, my mum was cool with everything, she just said "You love who you love, doesn't matter if you're in a relationship with a boy and girl, girl and girl, boy and boy or girl and dog. As long as you're happy, then I'm happy too. See I love my mum, supporting me through everything, I just miss her soo much and I wish she were here.  Anyway, back to me. I dance for a living, I know it's not ideal for most people and they think it's disgusting and whatever but as long as it pays the bills, I have to do what I gotta do. But as soon as I get my degree and become the surgeon I aspire to be, those days will be behind me. 

As I moved out here and the only thing I can do without a problem is dancing, I guess I'll have to carry it on. Luckily for me, my boss and the strip club I use to work in in London has a few and she just so happens to have one here, roughly a twenty-five minute drive from my apartment. She gave me a job there, with the same pay and same hours. However, when I begin my studies again, I'll have to cut down on my hours in order for me to complete assignments, thankfully she's okay with that. 

So I began the twenty-five minute drive to the club around 11am because the manager that works there just wanted to let me have a look around and somewhat get use to the place. As I parked into the club parking lot, I looked around, this area seemed to be okay during the day... the only problem will most likely be of a night, especially because of the men that leave the strip club or the bar opposite it. As I walked through the club doors, I had to walk through a hallway and through another door. As I opened the next door, I looked around. Because it still wasn't open yet the chairs wear on the tables, a man was cleaning behind the bar, whilst another person was cleaning the booths. I took a couple more steps forward and ahead of me was the stage. The stage was a decent size and hand a walkway leading off of it and then the poll that was connected to the ceiling. The club so far seem okay, I wonder how it is at night... 

Disrupting my thoughts, someone cleared their voice "As you can see, we're not open until five." As I jumped a little and turned around and came to look at the person who spoke, they were pointing around the club to indicate that they were not open. "Erh, yeah, I know. I mean I'm hear because I start dancing here tonight, I think Stacy told you.." (Stacy is my boss back home) "Oh okay - yeah, she called me a couple of days ago. I just thought you were.." "Were what?" "More - girly... I guess" I slightly rolled my eyes whilst looking in another direction, I had gotten that excuse before because I don't dress like other dancers. But I guess I like being different from them, I just like being different in general. So as from me was said she cleared her throat and said "let me show you around, so you can get the ropes of things here. As Stacy mentioned you have danced before, is that correct?" "Yeah" I replied "Okay good, so I assume you pretty much know how everything is done, the same rules apply here as they did back in London. hmm.. I'm curious, why did you choose to dance?" "Okay cool, Well I guess have have a pay for my tuition somehow, and dancing so happens to be something I'm good at." "At least you are still in education and want to make a future for yourself. So tell me what are you studying." "Human biology.." "Nice, where?" ..."John Hopkins University" "Oh wow, I see a lot of potential already, so what do you wanna be? Nurse, Doctor, scientist?..." "A surgeon." "Damn, well I'm glad you know what it is you want." .... After a little bit of talking about each other I finally got her name, Vanessa, she showed me around, showed me my locker and gay be a padlock and key and I have my own dressing table etc. Once we were done she told me I started at 7pm, which was plenty of time for me to eat, relax, sleep a little cause I know i'll be tired and then shower to get ready for my first shift. As I said bye to Vanessa I jumped into my car and decided to head home so I can finish off everything I needed with my clothes and put my TV up and connect it to the wifi. Once I did that I decided to make myself something to eat. As I was looking through the food I bought yesterday from the store I decided to cook a meal I watched Jamie Oliver cook, Roasted chicken breast with cherry tomatoes and asparagus. As I prepared the food and it was cooking I went to turn the TV on and listen to some music whilst I cook. Once I was making my way back into the kitchen I noticed I had a few letters that were posted through my door. I grabbed them and made my way back to the kitchen looking through them. Most was junk, like a few leaflets and flyers and then I came to a white letter. It had a John Hopkins stamp in the top left hand corner of the envelope, I opened it and it was my schedule they said they would send. It also had another page telling me about the induction day and when I have to go in and collect my books and student ID etc. I put it to aside and finished off my meal and sat at the table to begin eating. I grabbed the remote that I left on the diner table and changed the TV from music to Grey's Anatomy. Just in case I haven't told you, I LOVE Grey's Anatomy. And if you're wondering if I cried when Derek died, then you're correct, along with George, Mark, Lexi, Denny and soo many others. But when I found out that Sara Ramirez, aka Dr. Callie Torres was leaving the show. Damn that broke me. Okay enough about Grey's lol. 

I finished my food,  washed the dishes, put them away and made my way to the couch. I then went to my bedroom and stripped down to my boxers and sports bra and jumped into bed. Before I laid down I made sure to set my alarm for 5pm, so I can shower before I have to get everything I need for work and drive there on time. 

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