Originality Results

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At long last, the results for Originality are ready to reveal! Below are the score and the judges' feedback for each entry

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At long last, the results for Originality are ready to reveal! Below are the score and the judges' feedback for each entry. They are listed in random order, save for the winning entries, which are at the bottom. We hope you've all enjoyed participating in the contest!

Reverse Dipcifica One Shots (47/100): 

This entry takes a much-loved ship and has fun with it. The romance did feel rather forced, which created awkward and/or repetitive conversations between the characters. We would've also loved to see multiple sides of the characters explored, and to see how their relationship truly developed within the one shots. Though one shots are short (as the name implies), a good plot arc or character arc can really take them far. There's a nice niche here, and lots of fun places to go. Thank you for entering, Kaori-_-Miyazono, and we hope this feedback helps!

Harry Potter/Gravity Falls One Shots (61/100): 

Overall, Harry Potter/Gravity Falls One Shots is a well-written collection. The combination of Harry Potter and Gravity Falls, two well-loved series, is executed in a manner that makes it feel like it's possible for the two worlds to actually meet. The one shots feel too short, however, and left us wanting more. The first could slide by, as it's a snapshot of an already-in-place scene, but the second one felt too short, with too little time for plot development. Still, the portrayal of characters from both universes is both realistic and enjoyable, and it was overall a job well done. Thank you for entering, Lucy-the-Cat, and we hope this feedback helps!

Time Can Only Tell (48/100):  

Time Can Only Tell is one of the more creative stories we received this year, and we greatly appreciated how it stepped away from the norm. The story itself has poor spelling and grammar, which could easily be fixed. In addition, the characters made unrealistic decisions that were stretches beyond their parents never meeting and fate bringing them together anyway. Still, this story has a ton of potential with its fantastic ideas, and we'd love to read a revamped version of this AU. Thank you for entering, DisneyFaller, and we hope this feedback helps!

Heaven Fell (47.5/100): 

Heaven Fell has a very interesting concept. The idea of Dipper being a falling star is a creative concept that we've never seen explored before, so we appreciate your creativity in that area. However, as much as the creativity was interesting, some aspects are a little too out there with minimal explanation. We also felt that the work seemed to have many awkward moments within the writing was paused the flow, making it awkward to read. Overall, the story is original and has potential to be something never seen before. Thank you for entering, JustAGravityFallsFan, and we hope this feedback helps!

Dead or Alive (61/100):

Dead or Alive has an interesting premise for an AU - what if one of the twins was a ghost and the other was the only person with the ability to talk to them? It's well-done, too, with how Mabel and Dipper feel real as protagonists, with enough flaws and strengths to feel believable. However, there are times when the story feels awkward and forced, which prevents the plot from having an easy flow to it. Still, it's a fascinating story with great emotional pull. Thank you for entering, galacticath, and we hope this feedback helps!

Falling For You (50.5/100):

Falling For You does a great job of catering to its audience. However, the characterization is poor, reducing most characters - Gideon and Mabel in particular - to one dimension, as well as using minor characters, such as Candy and Grenda, as motivation-less plot devices. Within the main couple, we were left unattached to the protagonist, Pacifica, and we were deeply concerned with the condoned behavior of Dipper, who never got much-needed character development after his negative actions. We recommend having both partners grow in the romantic relationship, rather than one partner changing themselves for the sake of the relationship while the other remains in the same state as before. Thank you for entering, SplatteredInkJet, and we hope this feedback helps!

The Arrival and What Happened Next (55/100):  

The Arrival and What Happened Next is full of intriguing ideas. Unfortunately, the confusing, unrealistic plot doesn't allow the story's interesting concepts to shine. With more research on the setting, some of the odd events can be avoided. In addition, word sequence is sometimes off (the archaic phrasing of "said she" and "said he" appear several times), but the writing has potential. Thank you for entering, TheSotU, and we hope this feedback helps!

 Thank you for entering, TheSotU, and we hope this feedback helps!

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Spirit Falls (56.5/100):  

Spirit Falls has a creative concept that we love. The idea of the twins being raised by Wendy and her family flexes adorable familial love that's lacking in many fanfictions, and really brings us back to its roots. However, there are a few points where character conversations feel forced and unnatural, which is awkward to read and takes away from the characters personalities. This in particular is an issue with Ronan, at whom we suggest another look so he can be further developed. There are also scenes present that feel unnecessary to the plot, which leads to the lack of conflict sticking out like a sore thumb. Still, this is an immensely creative and interesting story that deserves praise for it. Well done, ciphergirl22!

Triple Pines (63/100): 

Triple Pines stands out with its adorable, well-developed characters and fascinating concepts. Tyrone is a wonderful protagonist, flawed enough to be realistic and easy to relate to, yet sweet enough to be endearing. Unfortunately, the plot had some rough patches that felt awkward, and in addition, the diary could be incorporated better. Still, this story is immensely enjoyable and well deserving of its honorable mention.

 Still, this story is immensely enjoyable and well deserving of its honorable mention

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Reverse Falls - A Gravity Falls AU (76/100):

This entry does a spectacular job of adding depth to the Reverse Falls alternate universe. At its core, the Reverse Falls AU has loose ends, plot holes, and other issues, but this particular work has achieved a logical, sensible, and adorable story. The characters made realistic decisions and feel true and real. Our main piece of criticism for the work is that we would have liked to see a general stray from the original Gravity Falls plot. We didn't get to see many new ideas explored yet in what's currently posted, though we hope to see more as the work progresses. In conclusion, we both feel that this a work certainly worth reading.

Congratulations to our winners! You will all receive a cover for your entry and a follow from our account, and your works will be added to public reading lists to promote them. The 1st place winner will also receive an awesome sticker for their cover. Thank you for entering the Gravity Falls Wattys!

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