Chapter 9

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Whoohoo! I'm updating more recent now. Aren't you guys happy? I am. A few of you peeps have been wondering if I'm going to make a third book. Well, you can thank NguyenBaoTranVu, because he convinced me to make a third book. I already have the title name for it and what it'll be about and what's going to haooen. Don't worry, I am not finished with this book...yet. On with the story....


Dylan's POV

Leo is a fast runner. Very fast indeed. Once he saw Nina, he made those goo goo eyes and ran out to see her. And he completely forgot about dueling with our budder-darn, Leo got me to say that word now- swords.

"Stupid dating. I never have time to teach Leo, now." I said to myself.

Just then, Leo came running back in.

"Dylan! Dylan! Dylan!" Leo chanted nervously.

"What, what, what?" I asked.

"I need to learn how to use a stone sword! I need to fight the new guy because I think he like-likes Nina and I don't like hin so I want him gone. You gotta teach me today! I'm so hopeless!" Leo wailed

"Sure...wait, what?! There's a new guy?" I asked.

"Yes, pay attention!" Leo said.

"I'm going to meet him. I wanna see if he's a worthy person to fight or not. I'll teach you later." I waved and went out.

"Wait, Dylan! Noooo!" Leo yelled.

I smirked and went up to the new dude. He and Nina were talking about stuff. I noticed there was a garden. That's the highlight of my day. Now we get fresh food. Yeah!

"Wassup?" I interrupt them.

"Oh, Dylan. Hey. This is Jakob. He saw Herobrine yesterday. Speaking of Herobrine, we gotta find him and destroy him at once. Jakob can help, right?" Nina asked.

"Uh, yeah." Jakob nodded.

"Wait! You're a good sword fighter?" I asked.

"No. I'm good with crafting, planting, fishing, potions, and archery." Jakob said proudly.

"Nooo! What is with archery? What has the world come to? It is the end of the world!" I yelled and walked back to my house shaking my head.

Jakob is useless. What good is Archery. All you do is make weak shots. A sword, especially an enchanted sword, is much better than even an enchanted bow.

I groan as I begin to teach Leo how to fight. Stupid budder swords. Not much better than a wooden one. I'm not much of a fan of Sky. Sorry, Nina. I know you're a huge fan. I prefer Deadlox, or even..... even Kermit. Heh. But I'm most of a fan of me. After all, I am famous.

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