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Mia's POV

Ow! I landed on my butt! Spawning hurts a lot! I look around my surroundings. Nooooooo! I'm by Brooke's hotel. I forgot where we lived. Wait! Where's Nina, Leo, Chooky, and Dylan? Gosh, now Herobrine is back. His face, it looked so familiar. Chooky just fell on top of me.

"Ow!" I said.

"Oh, sorry Mia." Chooky smiled.

I got up and sat down in the shade of a tree. Haha. Chooky hasn't moved yet. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Nina just fell on top of her.

"Owww!" they both said in unison.

"You guys better move before Dylan and Leo spawn." I said.

The rushed over to me and sat down. Then Leo fell down. Leo looked confused, and he didn't move. Then Dylan fell on him.

"Get off of me, Dylan! You weight a ton!" Leo shoved Dylan off of him.

We just had to laugh at them. Then after noon, we walked back to our houses.But we didn't talk. We didn't laugh or smile, we just walked forward. We got home by dark. We went to bed after saying goodnight.

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